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Creators/Authors contains: "Vitousek, Maren N."

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  1. Abstract

    When facing challenges, vertebrates activate a hormonal stress response that can dramatically alter behaviour and physiology. Although this response can be costly, conceptual models suggest that it can also recalibrate the stress response system, priming more effective responses to future challenges. Little is known about whether this process occurs in wild animals, particularly in adulthood, and if so, how information about prior experience with stressors is encoded. One potential mechanism is hormonally mediated changes in DNA methylation. We simulated the spikes in corticosterone that accompany a stress response using non‐invasive dosing in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and monitored the phenotypic effects 1 year later. In a subset of individuals, we characterized DNA methylation using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing shortly after treatment and a year later. The year after treatment, experimental females had stronger negative feedback and initiated breeding earlier—traits that are associated with stress resilience and reproductive performance in our population—and higher baseline corticosterone. We also found that natural variation in corticosterone predicted patterns of DNA methylation. Finally, corticosterone treatment influenced methylation on short (1–2 weeks) and long (1 year) time scales; however, these changes did not have clear links to functional regulation of the stress response. Taken together, our results are consistent with corticosterone‐induced priming of future stress resilience and support DNA methylation as a potential mechanism, but more work is needed to demonstrate functional consequences. Uncovering the mechanisms linking experience with the response to future challenges has implications for understanding the drivers of stress resilience.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  2. Global climate change has increased average environmental temperatures world-wide, simultaneously intensifying temperature variability and extremes. Growing numbers of studies have documented phenological, behavioural and morphological responses to climate change in wild populations. As systemic signals, hormones can contribute to orchestrating many of these phenotypic changes. Yet little is known about whether mechanisms like hormonal flexibility (reversible changes in hormone concentrations) facilitate or limit the ability of individuals, populations and species to cope with a changing climate. In this perspective, we discuss different mechanisms by which hormonal flexibility, primarily in glucocorticoids, could promote versus hinder evolutionary adaptation to changing temperature regimes. We focus on temperature because it is a key gradient influenced by climate change, it is easy to quantify, and its links to hormones are well established. We argue that reaction norm studies that connect individual responses to population-level and species-wide patterns will be critical for making progress in this field. We also develop a case study on urban heat islands, where several key questions regarding hormonal flexibility and adaptation to climate change can be addressed. Understanding the mechanisms that allow animals to cope when conditions become more challenging will help in predicting which populations are vulnerable to ongoing climate change.

    This article is part of the theme issue ‘Endocrine responses to environmental variation: conceptual approaches and recent developments’.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 25, 2025
  3. Abstract

    Stress resilience is defined as the ability to rebound to a homeostatic state after exposure to a perturbation. Organisms modulate various physiological mediators to respond to unpredictable changes in their environment. The gut microbiome is a key example of a physiological mediator that coordinates a myriad of host functions including counteracting stressors. Here, we highlight the gut microbiome as a mediator of host stress resilience in the framework of the reactive scope model. The reactive scope model integrates physiological mediators with unpredictable environmental changes to predict how animals respond to stressors. We provide examples of how the gut microbiome responds to stressors within the four ranges of the reactive scope model (i.e., predictive homeostasis, reactive homeostasis, homeostatic overload, and homeostatic failure). We identify measurable metrics of the gut microbiome that could be used to infer the degree to which the host is experiencing chronic stress, including microbial diversity, flexibility, and gene richness. The goal of this perspective piece is to highlight the underutilized potential of measuring the gut microbiome as a mediator of stress resilience in wild animal hosts.

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  4. Synopsis

    The allocation of limited resources among life history traits creates trade-offs that constrain the range of possible phenotypes of organisms. In animals, the cost of maintaining an effective immune response may reduce the ability to invest in reproduction, resulting in altered susceptibility to disease. However, not all members of a population face identical constraints because differences in an individual's environmental context or physiological state can influence the degree to which traits are negatively associated. Here, we evaluated how variation in timing of breeding, a correlate of fitness, may result in different patterns of trait associations between immunity and reproduction. We measured constitutive immunity in breeding female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) using a bacteria killing assay with blood plasma to assess the relationships between bacteria killing ability (BKA), reproductive effort, and reproductive success. We found that timing of breeding can influence the association between BKA and reproductive effort, but its effects are not homogeneous among all traits. Late-breeding tree swallows with stronger BKA laid smaller clutches, a pattern that was not apparent in early breeders. Regardless of the timing of breeding, birds with stronger BKA fed their nestlings less. Despite a negative association with reproductive effort, we found no association between immunity and reproductive success. We provide evidence that individual tree swallows do not experience some trade-offs equally, and that timing of breeding likely plays a role in how costs of immunity are weighed. To understand how investment in immunity can limit life history traits, we must consider how a variation among individuals influences the relative costs of immunity.

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  5. Abstract

    Climate change is dramatically altering our planet, yet our understanding of mechanisms of thermal tolerance is limited in wild birds. We characterized natural variation in heat shock protein (HSP) gene expression among tissues and populations of free-living Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). We focused on HSPs because they prevent cellular damage and promote recovery from heat stress. We used quantitative PCR to measure gene expression of 3 HSPs, including those in the HSP70 and HSP90 families that have robust experimental connections to heat in past literature. First, to evaluate how tissues and, by extension, the functions that they mediate, may vary in their thermal protection, we compared HSP gene expression among neural and peripheral tissues. We hypothesized that tissues with particularly vital functions would be more protected from heat as indicated by higher HSP gene expression. We found that brain tissues had consistently higher HSP gene expression compared to the pectoral muscle. Next, we compared HSP gene expression across 4 distinct populations that span over 20° of latitude (>2,300 km). We hypothesized that the more southern populations would have higher HSP gene expression, suggesting greater tolerance of, or experience with, warmer local conditions. We observed largely higher HSP gene expression in more southern populations than northern populations, although this pattern was more striking at the extremes (southern Indiana vs. Alaska), and it was stronger in some brain areas than others (ventromedial telencephalon vs. hypothalamus). These results shed light on the potential mechanisms that may underlie thermal tolerance differences among populations or among tissues.

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  6. null (Ed.)
  7. In response to a warming planet with earlier springs, migratory animals are adjusting the timing of essential life stages. Although these adjustments may be essential for keeping pace with resource phenology, they may prove insufficient, as evidenced by population declines in many species. However, even when species can match the tempo of climate change, other consequences may emerge when exposed to novel conditions earlier in the year. Here, using three long-term datasets on bird reproduction, daily insect availability, and weather, we investigated the complex mechanisms affecting reproductive success in an aerial insectivore, the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor). By examining breeding records over nearly half a century, we discovered that tree swallows have continuously advanced their egg laying by ∼3 d per decade. However, earlier-hatching offspring are now exposed to inclement weather events twice as often as they were in the 1970s. Our long-term daily insect biomass dataset shows no long-term trends over 25 y but precipitous drops in flying insect numbers on days with low ambient temperatures. Insect availability has a considerable impact on chick survival: Even a single inclement weather event can reduce offspring survival by >50%. Our results highlight the multifaceted threats that climate change poses on migrating species. The decoupling between cold snap occurrence and generally warming spring temperatures can affect reproductive success and threaten long-term persistence of populations. Understanding the exact mechanisms that endanger aerial insectivores is especially timely because this guild is experiencing the steepest and most widespread declines across North America and Europe.

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