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  1. Email service has increasingly been outsourced to cloud-based providers and so too has the task of filtering such messages for potential threats. Thus, customers will commonly direct that their incoming email is first sent to a third-party email filtering service (e.g., Proofpoint or Barracuda) and only the "clean" messages are then sent on to their email hosting provider (e.g., Gmail or Microsoft Exchange Online). However, this loosely coupled approach can, in theory, be bypassed if the email hosting provider is not configured to only accept messages that arrive from the email filtering service. In this paper we demonstrate that such bypasses are commonly possible. We document a multi-step methodology to infer if an organization has correctly configured its email hosting provider to guard against such scenarios. Then, using an empirical measurement of edu and com domains as a case study, we show that 80% of such organizations making use of popular cloud-based email filtering services can be bypassed in this manner. We also discuss reasons that lead to such misconfigurations and outline challenges in hardening the binding between email filtering and hosting providers. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 13, 2025
  2. Enterprise-scale mandatory password changes are disruptive, complex endeavors that require the entire workforce to prioritize a goal that is often secondary to most users. While ample literature exists around user perceptions and struggles, there are few "best practices" from the perspective of the enterprise -- either to achieve the end goal or to minimize IT costs. In this paper, we provide an empirical analysis of an enterprise-scale mandatory password change, covering almost 10,000 faculty and staff at an academic institution. Using a combination of user notifications logs, password update records, and help desk ticket information, we construct an empirical model of user response over time. In particular, we characterize the elements of the campaign that relate to ideal and non-ideal outcomes, including unnecessary user actions and IT help desk overhead. We aim to provide insight into successes and challenges that can generalize to other organizations implementing similar initiatives. 
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  3. The current design of email authentication mechanisms has made it challenging for email providers to establish the authenticity of email messages with complicated provenance, such as in the case of forwarding or third-party sending services, where the purported sender of an email is different from the actual originator. Email service providers such as Gmail have tried to address this issue by deploying sender identity indicators (SIIs), which seek to raise users' awareness about where a message originated and encourage safe behavior from users. However, the success of such indicators depends heavily on user interpretation and behavior, and there exists no work that empirically investigates these aspects. In this work, we conducted an interactive survey (n=180) that examined user comprehension of and behavior changes prompted by Gmail's passive SII, the 'via' indicator. Our quantitative analysis shows that although most participants (89%) noticed the indicator, it did not have a significant impact on whether users would adopt safe behaviors. Additionally, our qualitative analysis suggests that once prompted to consider why 'via' is presented, the domain name displayed after 'via' heavily influenced participants' interpretation of the message 'via' is communicating. Our work highlights the limitations of using passive indicators to assist users in making decisions about email messages with complicated provenance. 
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  4. The critical role played by email has led to a range of extension protocols (e.g., SPF, DKIM, DMARC) designed to protect against the spoofing of email sender domains. These protocols are complex as is, but are further complicated by automated email forwarding — used by individual users to manage multiple accounts and by mailing lists to redistribute messages. In this paper, we explore how such email forwarding and its implementations can break the implicit assumptions in widely deployed anti-spoofing protocols. Using large-scale empirical measurements of 20 email forwarding services (16 leading email providers and four popular mailing list services), we identify a range of security issues rooted in forwarding behavior and show how they can be combined to reliably evade existing anti-spoofing controls. We further show how these issues allow attackers to not only deliver spoofed email messages to prominent email providers (e.g., Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, and Zoho), but also reliably spoof email on behalf of tens of thousands of popular domains including sensitive domains used by organizations in government (e.g.,, finance (e.g.,, law (e.g., and news (e.g., among others. 
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  5. Cybersecurity companies routinely rely on telemetry from inside customer networks to collect intelligence about new online threats. However, the mechanism by which such intelligence is gathered can itself create new security risks. In this paper, we explore one such subtle situation that arises from an intelligence gathering feature present in FireEye's widely-deployed passive deep-packet inspection appliances. In particular, FireEye's systems will report back to the company Web requests containing particular content strings of interest. Based on these reports, the company then schedules independent requests for the same content using distributed Internet proxies. By broadly scanning the Internet using a known trigger string we are able to reverse engineer how these measurements work. We show that these side-effects provide a means to empirically establish which networks and network links are protected by such appliances. Further, we also show how to influence the associated proxies to issue requests to any URL. 
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  6. Successful malware campaigns often rely on the ability of infected hosts to locate and contact their command-and-control (C2) servers. Malware campaigns often use DNS domains for this purpose, but DNS domains may be taken down by the registrar that sold them. In response to this threat, malware operators have begun using blockchain-based naming systems to store C2 server names. Blockchain naming systems are a threat to malware defenders because they are not subject to a centralized authority, such as a registrar, that can take down abused domains, either voluntarily or under legal pressure. In fact, blockchains are robust against a variety of interventions that work on DNS domains, which is bad news for defenders. We analyze the ecosystem of blockchain naming systems and identify new locations for defenders to stage interventions against malware. In particular, we find that malware is obligated to use centralized or semi-centralized infrastructure to connect to blockchain naming systems and modify the records stored within. In fact, scattered interventions have already been staged against this centralized infrastructure: we present case studies of several such instances. We also present a study of how blockchain naming systems are currently abused by malware operators, and discuss the factors that would cause a blockchain naming system to become an unstoppable threat. We conclude that existing blockchain naming systems still provide opportunities for defenders to prevent malware from contacting its C2 servers. 
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  7. Consumer mobile spyware apps covertly monitor a user's activities (i.e., text messages, phone calls, e-mail, location, etc.) and transmit that information over the Internet to support remote surveillance. Unlike conceptually similar apps used for state espionage, so-called stalkerware apps are mass-marketed to consumers on a retail basis and expose a far broader range of victims to invasive monitoring. Today the market for such apps is large enough to support dozens of competitors, with individual vendors reportedly monitoring hundreds of thousands of phones. However, while the research community is well aware of the existence of such apps, our understanding of the mechanisms they use to operate remains ad hoc. In this work, we perform an in-depth technical analysis of 14 distinct leading mobile spyware apps targeting Android phones. We document the range of mechanisms used to monitor user activity of various kinds (e.g., photos, text messages, live microphone access) — primarily through the creative abuse of Android APIs. We also discover previously undocumented methods these apps use to hide from detection and to achieve persistence. Additionally, we document the measures taken by each app to protect the privacy of the sensitive data they collect, identifying a range of failings on the part of spyware vendors (including privacy-sensitive data sent in the clear or stored in the cloud with little or no protection).

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  8. In 2019, the US Department of Homeland Security issued an emergency warning about DNS infrastructure tampering. This alert, in response to a series of attacks against foreign government websites, highlighted how a sophisticated attacker could leverage access to key DNS infrastructure to then hijack traffic and harvest valid login credentials for target organizations. However, even armed with this knowledge, identifying the existence of such incidents has been almost entirely via post hoc forensic reports (i.e., after a breach was found via some other method). Indeed, such attacks are particularly challenging to detect because they can be very short lived, bypass the protections of TLS and DNSSEC, and are imperceptible to users. Identifying them retroactively is even more complicated by the lack of fine-grained Internet-scale forensic data. This paper is a first attempt to make progress at this latter goal. Combining a range of longitudinal data from Internet-wide scans, passive DNS records, and Certificate Transparency logs, we have constructed a methodology for identifying potential victims of sophisticated DNS infrastructure hijacking and have used it to identify a range of victims (primarily government agencies), both those named in prior reporting, and others previously unknown. 
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  9. In this paper, we explore a domain hijacking vulnerability that is an accidental byproduct of undocumented operational practices between domain registrars and registries. We show how over the last nine years over 512K domains have been implicitly exposed to the risk of hijacking, affecting names in most popular TLDs (including .com and .net) as well as legacy TLDs with tight registration control (such as .edu and .gov). Moreover, we show that this weakness has been actively exploited by multiple parties who, over the years, have assumed control over 163K domains without having any ownership interest in those names. In addition to characterizing the nature and size of this problem, we also report on the efficacy of the remediation in response to our outreach with registrars. 
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  10. null (Ed.)
    In successful enterprise attacks, adversaries often need to gain access to additional machines beyond their initial point of compromise, a set of internal movements known as lateral movement. We present Hopper, a system for detecting lateral movement based on commonly available enterprise logs. Hopper constructs a graph of login activity among internal machines and then identifies suspicious sequences of logins that correspond to lateral movement. To understand the larger context of each login, Hopper employs an inference algorithm to identify the broader path(s) of movement that each login belongs to and the causal user responsible for performing a path's logins. Hopper then leverages this path inference algorithm, in conjunction with a set of detection rules and a new anomaly scoring algorithm, to surface the login paths most likely to reflect lateral movement. On a 15-month enterprise dataset consisting of over 780 million internal logins, Hopper achieves a 94.5% detection rate across over 300 realistic attack scenarios, including one red team attack, while generating an average of < 9 alerts per day. In contrast, to detect the same number of attacks, prior state-of-the-art systems would need to generate nearly 8× as many false positives. 
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