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  1. The natural abundance, biodegradability, and low density of plant 昀椀bers, together with biobased epoxy thermoset resin, have driven the increasing popularity of plant 昀椀ber/polymer composites (PFRPs) to wider applications in various industries. However, the striving for biomass-based 昀氀ame retardants (FRs) treatment for PFRPs remained a bottleneck due to polymers’ inherent vulnerability against 昀椀re and the increasing environmental awareness. In this work, a facile two-step aqueous solution coating process was proposed for fabric surface treatment of 昀氀ax fabric using fully biobased phytic acid and chitosan from polysaccharides. The treated 昀氀ax fabric demonstrated self-extinguishing behavior when ignited and showed a decrease in peak heat release rate (PHRR) by 58% under combustion. The laminate produced by this treated 昀氀ax fabric and biobased epoxy resin showed a decrease of PHRR by 36% and an increase of more than 200% for the time of torch 昀椀re burn-through, demonstrating intriguing 昀氀ame retardance brought by only FRs treatment on 昀氀ax fabric reinforcements. Various measurements were done to elaborate on the role of treated 昀氀ax fabric in the 昀氀ame retardancy of polymer composites. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 1, 2026
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  3. The development of new thermoplastic-based nanocomposites for, as well as using, 3D printing requires extensive experimental testing. One typically goes through many failed, or otherwise sub-optimal, iterations before finding acceptable solutions (e.g. compositions, 3D printing parameters). It is desirable to reduce the number of such iterations as well as exclude failed experiments that often require laborious disassembly and cleaning of the 3D printer. This issue could be addressed if we were able to understand, and ultimately predict ahead of experiments if a given material can be 3D printed successfully. Herein, we report on our investigations into forecasting the printing and resultant properties of polymer nanocomposites while encompassing both material properties and printing parameters, enabling the model to generalize across various thermoplastics and additives. To do so, nanocomposites of two different commercially available bio-based PLAs with varying concentrations of nanoclay (NC) and graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) were prepared using a twin-screw extruder. The thermal and rheological properties of the nanocomposites were analyzed. These materials were printed at varying temperature and flow using a pellet printer. The quality of the printing was evaluated by measuring weight fluctuation, internal diameter of cylindrical specimen, and surface uniformity. The interactions between material properties and printing parameters are complex but captured effectively by a machine learning model, specifically we demonstrate such a predictive model to forecast printability and, printing quality utilizing a Random Forest algorithm. Printability was predicted by developing a classification model with constraints based on the weight fluctuation (W ) of the printed sample w.r.t. the optimal print; defining ‘‘not printable’’ for −1.0 d W < −0.8 and ‘‘printable’’ for W e −0.8. The classification model for predicting printability, performed well with an accuracy of 92.8% and identified flow index and complex viscosity, contributing 52% to the model’s importance. Another model to predict W of the only on successful prints also showed strong performance, emphasizing the importance of viscoelastic properties, thermal stability, and printing temperature. For diameter change (Di), the Random Forest model identified flow consistency index, complex viscosity, and thermal stability as influential parameters, with crystallization enthalpy gaining increased importance, reflecting its role in crystallization and shrinkage. In contrast, the surface roughness average (RA) model had lower performance, yet revealed remarkable insights regarding the feature importance with crystallization enthalpy and complex viscosity being most significant. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  4. Abstract

    A plant can be thought of as a colony comprising numerous growth buds, each developing to its own rhythm. Such lack of synchrony impedes efforts to describe core principles of plant morphogenesis, dissect the underlying mechanisms, and identify regulators. Here, we use the minimalist known angiosperm to overcome this challenge and provide a model system for plant morphogenesis. We present a detailed morphological description of the monocot Wolffia australiana, as well as high-quality genome information. Further, we developed the plant-on-chip culture system and demonstrate the application of advanced technologies such as single-nucleus RNA-sequencing, protein structure prediction, and gene editing. We provide proof-of-concept examples that illustrate how W. australiana can decipher the core regulatory mechanisms of plant morphogenesis.

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  5. Abstract

    Long nanopore reads are advantageous in de novo genome assembly. However, nanopore reads usually have broad error distribution and high-error-rate subsequences. Existing error correction tools cannot correct nanopore reads efficiently and effectively. Most methods trim high-error-rate subsequences during error correction, which reduces both the length of the reads and contiguity of the final assembly. Here, we develop an error correction, and de novo assembly tool designed to overcome complex errors in nanopore reads. We propose an adaptive read selection and two-step progressive method to quickly correct nanopore reads to high accuracy. We introduce a two-stage assembler to utilize the full length of nanopore reads. Our tool achieves superior performance in both error correction and de novo assembling nanopore reads. It requires only 8122 hours to assemble a 35X coverage human genome and achieves a 2.47-fold improvement in NG50. Furthermore, our assembly of the human WERI cell line shows an NG50 of 22 Mbp. The high-quality assembly of nanopore reads can significantly reduce false positives in structure variation detection.

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