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Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2026
Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
In this paper, we design and analyze the conforming and nonconforming virtual element methods for the Signorini problem. Under some regularity assumptions, we prove optimal order a priori error estimates in the energy norm for both two numerical schemes. Extensive numerical tests are presented, verifying the theory and exploring unknown features.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
Abstract Arctic precipitation in the form of rain is forecast to become more prevalent in a warmer world but with seasonal and interannual changes modulated by natural modes of variability. Experiencing rapid hydroclimatic changes in the Arctic, Svalbard serves as an ideal study location due to its exposure to oceanic and atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic region. Here we use climate data from paleoproxies, observations, and a climate model to demonstrate that wet and warm extremes in Svalbard over the last two millennia are linked to the presence of atmospheric blocking regimes over Scandinavia and the Ural mountain region. Rainfall episodes lead to the deposition of coarse sediment particles and high levels of calcium in Linnévatnet, a lake in southwest Svalbard, with the coarsest sediments consistently deposited during atmospheric blocking events. A unique annually resolved sediment record from Linnévatnet confirms that this linkage has been persistent over the past 2000 years. Our record also shows that a millennial-scale decline in Svalbard precipitation ended around the middle of the 19th century, followed by several unprecedented extreme events in recent years. As warming continues and sea ice recedes, future Svalbard floods will become more intense during episodes of Scandinavian and Ural blocking.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 19, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 17, 2025
Semiconductor moiré superlattices provide a versatile platform to engineer quantum solids composed of artificial atoms on moiré sites. Previous studies have mostly focused on the simplest correlated quantum solid—the Fermi-Hubbard model—in which intra-atom interactions are simplified to a single onsite repulsion energy
U . Here we report the experimental observation of Wigner molecular crystals emerging from multielectron artificial atoms in twisted bilayer tungsten disulfide moiré superlattices. Using scanning tunneling microscopy, we demonstrate that Wigner molecules appear in multielectron artificial atoms when Coulomb interactions dominate. The array of Wigner molecules observed in a moiré superlattice comprises a crystalline phase of electrons: the Wigner molecular crystal, which is shown to be highly tunable through mechanical strain, moiré period, and carrier charge type.Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 5, 2025 -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
Abstract Photoluminescence from spatially inhomogeneous plasmonic nanostructures exhibits fascinating wavelength-dependent nonlinear behaviors due to the intraband recombination of hot electrons excited into the conduction band of the metal. The properties of the excited carrier distribution and the role of localized plasmonic modes are subjects of debate. In this work, we use plasmonic gap-mode resonators with precise nanometer-scale confinement to show that the nonlinear photoluminescence behavior can become dominated by non-thermal contributions produced by the excited carrier population that strongly deviates from the Fermi-Dirac distribution due to the confinement-induced large-momentum free carrier absorption beyond the dipole approximation. These findings open new pathways for controllable light conversion using nonequilibrium electron states at the nanoscale.