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Creators/Authors contains: "Wang, Lihong V."

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  1. Micro- and nanorobots excel in navigating the intricate and often inaccessible areas of the human body, offering immense potential for applications such as disease diagnosis, precision drug delivery, detoxification, and minimally invasive surgery. Despite their promise, practical deployment faces hurdles, including achieving stable propulsion in complex in vivo biological environments, real-time imaging and localization through deep tissue, and precise remote control for targeted therapy and ensuring high therapeutic efficacy. To overcome these obstacles, we introduce a hydrogel-based, imaging-guided, bioresorbable acoustic microrobot (BAM) designed to navigate the human body with high stability. Constructed using two-photon polymerization, a BAM comprises magnetic nanoparticles and therapeutic agents integrated into its hydrogel matrix for precision control and drug delivery. The microrobot features an optimized surface chemistry with a hydrophobic inner layer to substantially enhance microbubble retention in biofluids with multiday functionality and a hydrophilic outer layer to minimize aggregation and promote timely degradation. The dual-opening bubble-trapping cavity design enables a BAM to maintain consistent and efficient acoustic propulsion across a range of biological fluids. Under focused ultrasound stimulation, the entrapped microbubbles oscillate and enhance the contrast for real-time ultrasound imaging, facilitating precise tracking and control of BAM movement through wireless magnetic navigation. Moreover, the hydrolysis-driven biodegradability of BAMs ensures its safe dissolution after treatment, posing no risk of long-term residual harm. Thorough in vitro and in vivo experimental evidence demonstrates the promising capabilities of BAMs in biomedical applications. This approach shows promise for advancing minimally invasive medical interventions and targeted therapeutic delivery.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 11, 2025
  2. null (Ed.)