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Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
Abstract Various stress conditions induce the nuclear translocation of cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPC), but its nuclear function in plant stress responses remains elusive. Here we show that GAPC interacts with a transcription factor to promote the expression of heat-inducible genes and heat tolerance in Arabidopsis. GAPC accumulates in the nucleus under heat stress. Overexpression of
GAPC enhances heat tolerance of seedlings and the expression of heat-inducible genes whereas knockout ofGAPCs has opposite effects. Screening of Arabidopsis transcription factors identifies nuclear factor Y subunit C10 (NF-YC10) as a GAPC-binding protein. The effects ofGAPC overexpression are abolished whenNF-YC10 is deficient, the heat-induced nuclear accumulation of GAPC is suppressed, or the GAPC-NF-YC10 interaction is disrupted.GAPC overexpression also enhances the binding ability of NF-YC10 to its target promoter. The results reveal a cellular and molecular mechanism for the nuclear moonlighting of a glycolytic enzyme in plant response to environmental changes. -
Polymer matrix composites have high strengths in tension. However, their compressive strengths are much lower than their tensile strengths due to their weak fiber/matrix interfacial shear strengths. We recently developed a new approach to fabricate composites by overwrapping individual carbon fibers or fiber tows with a carbon nanotube sheet and subsequently impregnate them into a matrix to enhance the interfacial shear strengths without degrading the tensile strengths of the carbon fibers. In this study, a theoretical analysis is conducted to identify the appropriate thickness of the nanocomposite interphase region formed by carbon nanotubes embedded in a matrix. Fibers are modeled as an anisotropic elastic material, and the nanocomposite interphase region and the matrix are considered as isotropic. A microbuckling problem is solved for the unidirectional composite under compression. The analytical solution is compared with finite element simulations for verification. It is determined that the critical load at the onset of buckling is lower in an anisotropic carbon fiber composite than in an isotropic fibfer composite due to lower transverse properties in the fibers. An optimal thickness for nanocomposite interphase region is determined, and this finding provides a guidance for the manufacture of composites using aligned carbon nanotubes as fillers in the nanocomposite interphase region.more » « less
null (Ed.)In response to elevated temperatures, plants alter the activities of enzymes that affect lipid composition. While it has long been known that plant leaf membrane lipids become less unsaturated in response to heat, other changes, including polygalactosylation of galactolipids, head group acylation of galactolipids, increases in phosphatidic acid and triacylglycerols, and formation of sterol glucosides and acyl sterol glucosides, have been observed more recently. In this work, by measuring lipid levels with mass spectrometry, we confirm the previously observed changes in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf lipids under three heat stress regimens. Additionally, in response to heat, increased oxidation of the fatty acyl chains of leaf galactolipids, sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerols, and phosphatidylglycerols, and incorporation of oxidized acyl chains into acylated monogalactosyldiacylglycerols are shown. We also observed increased levels of digalactosylmonoacylglycerols and monogalactosylmonoacylglycerols. The hypothesis that a defect in sterol glycosylation would adversely affect regrowth of plants after a severe heat stress regimen was tested, but differences between wild-type and sterol glycosylation-defective plants were not detected.more » « less