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Davis, Lauren (2)
Jiang, Steven (2)
Washington, Henry (2)
Kim, Hyun Nam (1)
Kim, Hyung Nam (1)
#Tyler Phillips, Kenneth E. (0)
#Willis, Ciara (0)
& Abreu-Ramos, E. D. (0)
& Abramson, C. I. (0)
& Abreu-Ramos, E. D. (0)
& Adams, S.G. (0)
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& Ahmed, Khadija. (0)
& Aina, D.K. Jr. (0)
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& Spizer, S. M. (0)
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& Chen, B. (0)
& Chen, Bodong (0)
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& Ferretti, F. (0)
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& J. Peters (0)
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& Ruiz-Arias, P.M. (0)
& S. Spitzer (0)
& Sahin. I. (0)
& Spitzer, S. (0)
& Spitzer, S.M. (0)
(submitted - in Review for IEEE ICASSP-2024) (0)
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Food insecurity is a problem that should not be overlooked in America. In 2022, about 1.3 billion people were food insecure, an increase of 10% from the previous year. Food deserts, an area with low income and low access to nutritious foods, can be characterized by 5A’s: availability, accessibility, accommodation, affordability, and acceptability. As more investments go into building infrastructure for population growth, the local food industry must expand for both current and new residents. One strategy to combat food deserts is to use the Internet and e-commerce like online food services can contribute to solving food insecurity. From Generation X to Millennials to Generation Z, the adoption of the Internet is rapid. However, these services have additional costs for the consumer. The goal of this research was to examine the current e-commerce solutions to food deserts in a local area and review the literature on how e-commerce can alleviate food deserts. Data were collected from published government and company sites. Results reveal Internet accessibility continues to be an issue for reliable e-commerce use. E-commerce can alleviate food deserts by reducing the cost for both consumers and businesses, accommodating various groups of people, and focusing on rural areas.more » « less
Washington, Henry ; Jiang, Steven ; Davis, Lauren ; Kim, Hyung Nam ( , AHFE International)
Food insecurity, an economic and social condition where households have limited access to nutritious food, is a long-standing and growing problem in both the rural and urban areas of the United States. Food deserts refer to areas that do not have adequate food access to affordable and nutritious food. Food deserts can be characterized by availability, accessibility, accommodation, affordability, and acceptability (5A’s). This research investigates food deserts in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, which includes the city of Charlotte. The food insecure population estimate in Mecklenburg County is about 15% which is higher than the national average of 11%. Using visual analytics, a combination of analytics and human factors, this study aims to examine how age, education, and income are related to food deserts in Mecklenburg County. Data gathered from US Census Bureau was used for analysis. Results indicated that education and food desert status, and age and food desert status in Mecklenburg County were related.