We present an estimate of the bulk flow in a volume of radii 150−200 h−1 Mpc using the minimum variance method with data from the CosmicFlows-4 (CF4) catalogue. The addition of new data in the CF4 has resulted in an increase in the estimate of the bulk flow in a sphere of radius 150 h−1 Mpc relative to the CosmicFlows-3 (CF3). This bulk flow has an $\sim 0.015~{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ chance of occurring in the standard cosmological model with cosmic microwave background derived parameters. Given that the CF4 is deeper than the CF3, we were able to use the CF4 to accurately estimate the bulk flow on scales of 200 h−1 Mpc (equivalent to 266 Mpc for Hubble constant H0 = 75 km s−1 Mpc−1) for the first time. This bulk flow is in even greater tension with the standard model, having $\sim 1.5\times 10^{-4}\ \%$ probability of occurring. To estimate the bulk flow accurately, we introduce a novel method to calculate distances and velocities from distance moduli that is unbiased and accurate at all distances. Our results are completely independent of the value of H0.
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Watkins, Richard (4)
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Akarsu, Özgür (1)
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Anderson, Richard I. (1)
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Wang, Yuyu ; Peery, Sarah ; Feldman, Hume A. ; Watkins, Richard ( , The Astrophysical Journal)
Wang, Yuyu ; Ramachandra, Nesar ; Salazar-Canizales, Edgar M ; Feldman, Hume A ; Watkins, Richard ; Dolag, Klaus ( , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)null (Ed.)ABSTRACT The Sunyaev–Zel’dolvich (SZ) effect is expected to be instrumental in measuring velocities of distant clusters in near future telescope surveys. We simplify the calculation of peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters using deep learning frameworks trained on numerical simulations to avoid the independent estimation of the optical depth. Images of distorted photon backgrounds are generated for idealized observations using one of the largest cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, the Magneticum simulations. The model is tested to determine its ability of estimating peculiar velocities from future kinetic SZ observations under different noise conditions. The deep learning algorithm displays robustness in estimating peculiar velocities from kinetic SZ effect by an improvement in accuracy of about 17 per cent compared to the analytical approach.more » « less
Abdalla, Elcio ; Abellán, Guillermo Franco ; Aboubrahim, Amin ; Agnello, Adriano ; Akarsu, Özgür ; Akrami, Yashar ; Alestas, George ; Aloni, Daniel ; Amendola, Luca ; Anchordoqui, Luis A. ; et al ( , Journal of High Energy Astrophysics)