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Creators/Authors contains: "Watson, Sheree J."

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  1. Abstract

    Resource-constrained island populations have thrived in Hawai’i for over a millennium, but now face aggressive new challenges to fundamental resources, including the security and sustainability of water resources. Characterizing the microbial community in groundwater ecosystems is a powerful approach to infer changes from human impacts due to land management in hydrogeological complex aquifers. In this study, we investigate how geology and land management influence geochemistry, microbial diversity and metabolic functions. We sampled a total of 19 wells over 2-years across the Hualālai watershed of Kona, Hawai’i analyzing geochemistry, and microbial communities by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Geochemical analysis revealed significantly higher sulfate along the northwest volcanic rift zone, and high nitrogen (N) correlated with high on-site sewage disposal systems (OSDS) density. A total of 12,973 Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASV) were identified in 220 samples, including 865 ASVs classified as putative N and sulfur (S) cyclers. The N and S cyclers were dominated by a putative S-oxidizer coupled to complete denitrification (Acinetobacter), significantly enriched up to 4-times comparatively amongst samples grouped by geochemistry. The significant presence of Acinetobacter infers the bioremediation potential of volcanic groundwater for microbial-driven coupled S-oxidation and denitrification providing an ecosystem service for island populations dependent upon groundwater aquifers.

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  2. Summary

    Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) exploits the metabolism of polyphosphate‐accumulating organisms (PAOs) to remove excess phosphorus (P) from wastewater treatment.CandidatusAccumulibacter phosphatis (Accumulibacter) is the most abundant and well‐studied PAO in EBPR systems. In a previous study, we detected polyphosphates throughout peripheral bay sediments, and hypothesized that an estuary is an ideal setting to evaluate PAOs in a natural system, given that estuaries are characterized by dynamic dissolved oxygen fluctuations that potentially favour PAO metabolism. We detected nucleotide sequences attributable to Accumulibacter (16S rRNA,ppk1) in sediments within three peripheral bays of the Columbia River estuary at abundances rivalling those observed in conventional wastewater treatment plants (0.01%–2.6%). Most of the sequences attributable to Accumulibacter were Type I rather than Type II, despite the fact that the estuary does not have particularly high nutrient concentrations. The highest diversity of Accumulibacter was observed in oligohaline peripheral bays, while the greatest abundances were observed at the mouth of the estuary in mesohaline sediments in the spring and summer. In addition, an approximately 70% increase in polyphosphate concentrations observed at one of the sites between dawn and dusk suggests that PAOs may play an important role in P cycling in estuary sediments.

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