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Creators/Authors contains: "Watzman, Sarah J."

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  1. Solid-state thermomagnetic modules operating based on the Nernst–Ettingshausen effects are an alternative to conventional solid-state thermoelectric modules. These modules are appropriate for low-temperature applications where the thermoelectric modules are not efficient. Here, we briefly discuss the application, performance, similarities, and differences of thermoelectric and thermomagnetic materials and modules. We review thermomagnetic module design, Nernst coefficient measurement techniques, and theoretical advances, emphasizing the Nernst effect and factors influencing its response in semimetals such as carrier compensation, Fermi surface, mobility, phonon drag, and Berry curvature. The main objective is to summarize the materials design criteria to achieve high thermomagnetic performance to accelerate thermomagnetic materials discovery.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 28, 2025
  2. Nanoparticle additives increase the thermal conductivity of conventional heat transfer fluids at low concentrations, which leads to improved heat transfer fluids and processes. This study investigates lignin-coated magnetic nanocomposites (lignin@Fe3O4) as a novel bio-based magnetic nanoparticle additive to enhance the thermal conductivity of aqueous-based fluids. Kraft lignin was used to encapsulate the Fe3O4 nanoparticles to prevent agglomeration and oxidation of the magnetic nanoparticles. Lignin@Fe3O4 nanoparticles were prepared using a pH-driven co-precipitation method with a 3:1 lignin to magnetite ratio and characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR, thermogravimetric analysis, and transmission electron microscopy. The magnetic properties were characterized using a vibrating sample magnetometer. Once fully characterized, lignin@Fe3O4 nanoparticles were dispersed in aqueous 0.1% w/v agar–water solutions at five different concentrations, from 0.001% w/v to 0.005% w/v. Thermal conductivity measurements were performed using the transient line heat source method at various temperatures. A maximum enhancement of 10% in thermal conductivity was achieved after adding 0.005% w/v lignin@Fe3O4 to the agar-based aqueous suspension at 45 °C. At room temperature (25 °C), the thermal conductivity of lignin@Fe3O4 and uncoated Fe3O4 agar-based suspensions was characterized at varying magnetic fields from 0 to 0.04 T, which were generated using a permanent magnet. For this analysis, the thermal conductivity of lignin magnetic nanosuspensions initially increased, showing a 5% maximum peak increase after applying a 0.02 T magnetic field, followed by a decreasing thermal conductivity at higher magnetic fields up to 0.04 T. This result is attributed to induced magnetic nanoparticle aggregation under external applied magnetic fields. Overall, this work demonstrates that lignin-coated Fe3O4 nanosuspension at low concentrations slightly increases the thermal conductivity of agar aqueous-based solutions, using a simple permanent magnet at room temperature or by adjusting temperature without any externally applied magnetic field.

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  3. Lignin@Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles adsorb at oil–water interfaces, form Pickering emulsions, induce on-demand magnetic responses to break emulsions, and can sequester oil from water. Lignin@Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles were prepared using a pH-induced precipitation method and were fully characterized. These were used to prepare Pickering emulsions with castor oil/Sudan red G dye and water at various oil/water volume ratios and nanoparticle concentrations. The stability and demulsification of the emulsions under different magnetic fields generated with permanent magnets (0–540 mT) were investigated using microscopy images and by visual inspection over time. The results showed that the Pickering emulsions were more stable at the castor oil/water ratio of 50/50 and above. Increasing the concentration of lignin@Fe 3 O 4 improved the emulsion stability and demulsification rates with 540 mT applied magnetic field strength. The adsorption of lignin@Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles at the oil/water interface using 1-pentanol evaporation through Marangoni effects was demonstrated, and magnetic manipulation of a lignin@Fe 3 O 4 stabilized castor oil spill in water was shown. Nanoparticle concentration and applied magnetic field strengths were analyzed for the recovery of spilled oil from water; it was observed that increasing the magnetic strength increased oil spill motion for a lignin@Fe 3 O 4 concentration of up to 0.8 mg mL −1 at 540 mT. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential of lignin-magnetite nanocomposites for rapid on-demand magnetic responses to externally induced stimuli. 
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