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Creators/Authors contains: "Wei, H."

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    We use the three‐dimensional (3‐D) global hybrid code ANGIE3D to simulate the interaction of four solar wind tangential discontinuities (TDs) observed by ARTEMIS P1 from 0740 UT to 0800 UT on 28 December 2019 with the bow shock, magnetosheath, and magnetosphere. We demonstrate how the four discontinuities produce foreshock transients, a magnetosheath cavity‐like structure, and a brief magnetopause crossing observed by THEMIS and MMS spacecraft from 0800 UT to 0830 UT. THEMIS D observed entries into foreshock transients exhibiting low density, low magnetic field strength, and high temperature cores bounded by compressional regions with high densities and high magnetic field strengths. The MMS spacecraft observed cavities with strongly depressed magnetic field strengths and highly deflected velocity in the magnetosheath downstream from the foreshock. Dawnside THEMIS A magnetosheath observations indicate a brief magnetosphere entry exhibiting enhanced magnetic field strength, low density, and decreased and deflected velocity (sunward flow). The solar wind inputs into the 3‐D hybrid simulations resemble those seen by ARTEMIS. We simulate the interaction of four oblique TDs with properties similar to those in the observation. We place virtual spacecraft at the locations where observations were made. The hybrid simulations predict similar characteristics of the foreshock transients, a magnetosheath cavity, and a magnetopause crossing with characteristics similar to those observed by the multi‐spacecraft observations. The detailed and successful comparison of the interaction involving multiple TDs will be presented.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  3. We present a deep learning-based method for estimating the neutrino energy of charged-current neutrino-argon interactions. We employ a recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture for neutrino energy estimation in the MicroBooNE experiment, utilizing liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) detector technology. Traditional energy estimation approaches in LArTPCs, which largely rely on reconstructing and summing visible energies, often experience sizable biases and resolution smearing because of the complex nature of neutrino interactions and the detector response. The estimation of neutrino energy can be improved after considering the kinematics information of reconstructed final-state particles. Utilizing kinematic information of reconstructed particles, the deep learning-based approach shows improved resolution and reduced bias for the muon neutrino Monte Carlo simulation sample compared to the traditional approach. In order to address the common concern about the effectiveness of this method on experimental data, the RNN-based energy estimator is further examined and validated with dedicated data-simulation consistency tests using MicroBooNE data. We also assess its potential impact on a neutrino oscillation study after accounting for all statistical and systematic uncertainties and show that it enhances physics sensitivity. This method has good potential to improve the performance of other physics analyses.

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
  4. We present a measurement of neutral pion production in charged-current interactions using data recorded with the MicroBooNE detector exposed to Fermilab’s booster neutrino beam. The signal comprises one muon, one neutral pion, any number of nucleons, and no charged pions. Studying neutral pion production in the MicroBooNE detector provides an opportunity to better understand neutrino-argon interactions, and is crucial for future accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiments. Using a dataset corresponding to6.86×1020protons on target, we present single-differential cross sections in muon and neutral pion momenta, scattering angles with respect to the beam for the outgoing muon and neutral pion, as well as the opening angle between the muon and neutral pion. Data extracted cross sections are compared to generator predictions. We report good agreement between the data and the models for scattering angles, except for an over-prediction by generators at muon forward angles. Similarly, the agreement between data and the models as a function of momentum is good, except for an underprediction by generators in the medium momentum ranges, 200–400 MeV for muons and 100–200 MeV for pions.

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
  5. Abstract

    SBND is the near detector of the Short-Baseline Neutrino program at Fermilab. Its location near to the Booster Neutrino Beam source and relatively large mass will allow the study of neutrino interactions on argon with unprecedented statistics. This paper describes the expected performance of the SBND photon detection system, using a simulated sample of beam neutrinos and cosmogenic particles. Its design is a dual readout concept combining a system of 120 photomultiplier tubes, used for triggering, with a system of 192 X-ARAPUCA devices, located behind the anode wire planes. Furthermore, covering the cathode plane with highly-reflective panels coated with a wavelength-shifting compound recovers part of the light emitted towards the cathode, where no optical detectors exist. We show how this new design provides a high light yield and a more uniform detection efficiency, an excellent timing resolution and an independent 3D-position reconstruction using only the scintillation light. Finally, the whole reconstruction chain is applied to recover the temporal structure of the beam spill, which is resolved with a resolution on the order of nanoseconds.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2025