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  1. Space weather, including solar storms, can impact Earth by disturbing the geomagnetic field. Despite the known dependence of birds and other animals on geomagnetic cues for successful seasonal migrations, the potential effects of space weather on organisms that use Earth’s magnetic field for navigation have received little study. We tested whether space weather geomagnetic disturbances are associated with disruptions to bird migration at a macroecological scale. We leveraged long-term radar data to characterize the nightly migration dynamics of the nocturnally migrating North American avifauna over 22 y. We then used concurrent magnetometer data to develop a local magnetic disturbance index associated with each radar station (ΔBmax), facilitating spatiotemporally explicit analyses of the relationship between migration and geomagnetic disturbance. After controlling for effects of atmospheric weather and spatiotemporal patterns, we found a 9 to 17% decrease in migration intensity in both spring and fall during severe space weather events. During fall migration, we also found evidence for decreases in effort flying against the wind, which may represent a depression of active navigation such that birds drift more with the wind during geomagnetic disturbances. Effort flying against the wind in the fall was most reduced under both overcast conditions and high geomagnetic disturbance, suggesting that a combination of obscured celestial cues and magnetic disturbance may disrupt navigation. Collectively, our results provide evidence for community-wide avifaunal responses to geomagnetic disturbances driven by space weather during nocturnal migration.

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  2. null (Ed.)
    The performance of three global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models in estimating the Earth's magnetopause location and ionospheric cross polar cap potential (CPCP) have been presented. Using the Community Coordinated Modeling Center's Run-on-Request system and extensive database on results of various magnetospheric scenarios simulated for a variety of solar weather patterns, the aforementioned model predictions have been compared with magnetopause standoff distance estimations obtained from six empirical models, and with cross polar cap potential estimations obtained from the Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (AMIE) Model and the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) observations. We have considered a range of events spanning different space weather activity to analyze the performance of these models. Using a fit performance metric analysis for each event, the models' reproducibility of magnetopause standoff distances and CPCP against empirically-predicted observations were quantified, and salient features that govern the performance characteristics of the modeled magnetospheric and ionospheric quantities were identified. Results indicate mixed outcomes for different models during different events, with almost all models underperforming during the extreme-most events. The quantification also indicates a tendency to underpredict magnetopause distances in the absence of an inner magnetospheric model, and an inclination toward over predicting CPCP values under general conditions. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
  4. Abstract

    We have developed a new procedure for combining lists of substorm onset times from multiple sources. We apply this procedure to observational data and to magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model output from 1–31 January 2005. We show that this procedure is capable of rejecting false positive identifications and filling data gaps that appear in individual lists. The resulting combined onset lists produce a waiting time distribution that is comparable to previously published results, and superposed epoch analyses of the solar wind driving conditions and magnetospheric response during the resulting onset times are also comparable to previous results. Comparison of the substorm onset list from the MHD model to that obtained from observational data reveals that the MHD model reproduces many of the characteristic features of the observed substorms, in terms of solar wind driving, magnetospheric response, and waiting time distribution. Heidke skill scores show that the MHD model has statistically significant skill in predicting substorm onset times.

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  5. Abstract

    There is considerable evidence that current sheet scattering (CSS) plays an important role in isotropic boundary (IB) formation during quiet time. However, IB formation can also result from scattering by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, which are much more prevalent during storm time. The effectiveness of CSS can be estimated by the parameter, the ratio of the field line radius of curvature to the particle gyroradius. Using magnetohydrodynamic and empirical models, we estimated the parameterKassociated with storm time IB observations on the nightside. We used magnetic field observations from spacecraft in the magnetotail to estimate and correct for errors in theKvalues computed by the models. We find that the magnetohydrodynamic and empirical models produce fairly similar results without correction and that correction increases this similarity. Accounting for uncertainty in both the latitude of the IB and the threshold value ofKrequired for CSS, we found that 29–54% of the IB observations satisfied the criteria for CSS. We found no correlation between the correctedKand magnetic local time, which further supports the hypothesis that CSS played a significant role in forming the observed IBs.

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  6. Abstract

    Recent studies have found that even during quiet times, observed proton isotropic boundaries (IBs) are often projected to the region of high adiabaticity parameter (K≈30), whereis the ratio of magnetic field line radius of curvature to the particle gyroradius. This contradicts the accepted hypothesis that current sheet scattering (CSS) is the dominant mechanism of IB formation becauseK≈8 would be expected for this mechanism. We used magnetohydrodynamic simulations and empirical models to computeKfor 30‐keV proton IB observations within 3 hr of local midnight. We found that neither class of model reliably estimatesKunless supported by magnetic field observations in the current sheet. magnetohydrodynamic simulations produced higherKvalues than expected for CSS (K = 15–30), and empirical models gave lower values (K < 4). We obtained reliable estimates ofKby controlling for the accuracy of the normal component and the gradient of the radial component in the neutral sheet, using observations from three Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms satellites. For the first time, we demonstrated that both these variables should be taken into account for the accurate estimation of the curvature radius. This greatly reduced the spread ofKvalues, indicating that much of the previous spread was due to errors in the magnetic field but also that these errors can be controlled. Most of the corrected values fall within the expected range for CSS, supporting the hypothesis that the IB's were formed by CSS. Accounting for all model results, we obtain an average corrected value ofK = 6.0.

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  7. null (Ed.)
    MHD-based global space weather models have mostly been developed and maintained at academic institutions. While the ``free spirit'' approach of academia enables the rapid emergence and testing of new ideas and methods, the lack of long-term stability and support makes this arrangement very challenging. This paper describes a successful example of a university-based group, the Center of Space Environment Modeling (CSEM) at the University of Michigan that developed and maintained the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) and its core element, the BATS-R-US extended MHD code. It took a quarter of a century to develop this capability and reach its present level of maturity that makes it suitable for research use by the space physics community through the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) as well as operational use by the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). 
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  8. Abstract

    Previously, Tsurutani and Lakhina (2014, created estimates for a “perfect” interplanetary coronal mass ejection and performed simple calculations for the response of geospace, including. In this study, these estimates are used to drive a coupled magnetohydrodynamic‐ring current‐ionosphere model of geospace to obtain more physically accurate estimates of the geospace response to such an event. The sudden impulse phase is examined and compared to the estimations of Tsurutani and Lakhina (2014, The physics‐based simulation yields similar estimates for Dst rise, magnetopause compression, and equatorialvalues as the previous study. However, results diverge away from the equator.values in excess of 30 nT/s are found as low asmagnetic latitude. Under southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions, magnetopause erosion combines with strong region one Birkeland currents to intensify theresponse. Values obtained here surpass those found in historically recorded events and set the upper threshold of extreme geomagnetically induced current activity at Earth.

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