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Plants and herbivores are remarkably variable in space and time, and variability has been considered a defining feature of their interactions. Empirical research, however, has traditionally focused on understanding differences in means and overlooked the theoretically significant ecological and evolutionary roles of variability itself. We review the literature with the goal of showing how variability-explicit research expands our perspective on plant–herbivore ecology and evolution. We first clarify terminology for describing variation and then review patterns, causes, and consequences of variation in herbivory across scales of space, time, and biological organization. We consider how incorporating variability improves existing hypotheses and leads to new ones. We conclude by suggesting future work that reports full distributions, integrates effects of variation across scales, describes nonlinearities, and considers how stochastic and deterministic variation combine to determine herbivory distributions. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, Volume 54 is November 2023. Please see for revised estimates.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available November 2, 2024
Abstract Extreme heat events are becoming more frequent and intense as climate variability increases, and these events inherently vary in their timing. We predicted that the timing of a heat wave would determine its consequences for insect communities owing to temporal variation in the susceptibility of host plants to heat stress. We subjected common milkweed (
Asclepias syriaca ) plants to in‐field experimental heat waves to investigate how the timing of heat waves, both seasonally and relative to a biotic stressor (experimental herbivory), affected their ecological consequences. We found that heat waves had multiyear, timing‐specific effects on plant–insect communities. Early‐season heat waves led to greater and more persistent effects on plants and herbivore communities than late‐season heat waves. Heat waves following experimental herbivory had reduced consequences. Our results show that extreme climate events can have complex, lasting ecological effects beyond the year of the event—and that timing is key to understanding those effects.