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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    We present a study of two-photon pathways for the transfer of NaCs molecules to their rovibrational ground state. Starting from NaCs Feshbach molecules, we perform bound-bound excited state spectroscopy in the wavelength range from 900 nm to 940 nm, covering more than 30 vibrational states of thec3Σ+,b3Π, andB1Πelectronic states. Analyzing the rotational substructure, we identify the highly mixedc3Σ1+|v=22b3Π1|v=54state as an efficient bridge for stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. We demonstrate transfer into the NaCs ground state with an efficiency of up to 88(4)%. Highly efficient transfer is critical for the realization of many-body quantum phases of strongly dipolar NaCs molecules and high fidelity detection of single molecules, for example, in spin physics experiments in optical lattices and quantum information experiments in optical tweezer arrays.

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  3. We report on the design and characterization of a cold atom source for strontium (Sr) based on a two-dimensional magneto-optical trap (MOT) that is directly loaded from the atom jet of a dispenser. We characterize the atom flux of the source by measuring the loading rate of a three-dimensional MOT. We find loading rates of up to 10 8 atoms per second. The setup is compact, easy to construct, and has low power consumption. It addresses the longstanding challenge of reducing the complexity of cold beam sources for Sr, which is relevant for optical atomic clocks, quantum simulation, and computing devices based on ultracold Sr. 
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  4. We propose metasurface holograms as a novel platform to generate optical trap arrays for cold atoms with high fidelity, efficiency, and thermal stability. We developed design and fabrication methodologies to create dielectric, phase-only metasurface holograms based on titanium dioxide. We experimentally demonstrated optical trap arrays of various geometries, including periodic and aperiodic configurations with dimensions ranging from 1D to 3D and the number of trap sites up to a few hundred. We characterized the performance of the holographic metasurfaces in terms of the positioning accuracy, size and intensity uniformity of the generated traps, and power handling capability of the dielectric metasurfaces. Our proposed platform has great potential for enabling fundamental studies of quantum many-body physics, and quantum simulation and computation tasks. The compact form factor, passive nature, good power handling capability, and scalability of generating high-quality, large-scale arrays also make the metasurface platform uniquely suitable for realizing field-deployable devices and systems based on cold atoms. 
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