Season length and its associated variables can influence the expression of social behaviours, including the occurrence of eusociality in insects. Eusociality can vary widely across environmental gradients, both within and between different species. Numerous theoretical models have been developed to examine the life history traits that underlie the emergence and maintenance of eusociality, yet the impact of seasonality on this process is largely uncharacterized. Here, we present a theoretical model that incorporates season length and offspring development time into a single, individual-focused model to examine how these factors can shape the costs and benefits of social living. We find that longer season lengths and faster brood development times are sufficient to favour the emergence and maintenance of a social strategy, while shorter seasons favour a solitary one. We also identify a range of season lengths where social and solitary strategies can coexist. Moreover, our theoretical predictions are well matched to the natural history and behaviour of two flexibly eusocial bee species, suggesting that our model can make realistic predictions about the evolution of different social strategies. Broadly, this work reveals the crucial role that environmental conditions can have in shaping social behaviour and its evolution and it underscores the need for further models that explicitly incorporate such variation to study the evolutionary trajectories of eusociality.
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Many bacteria live in polymeric fluids, such as mucus, environmental polysaccharides, and extracellular polymers in biofilms. However, lab studies typically focus on cells in polymer-free fluids. Here, we show that interactions with polymers shape a fundamental feature of bacterial life—how they proliferate in space in multicellular colonies. Using experiments, we find that when polymer is sufficiently concentrated, cells generically and reversibly form large serpentine “cables” as they proliferate. By combining experiments with biophysical theory and simulations, we demonstrate that this distinctive form of colony morphogenesis arises from an interplay between polymer-induced entropic attraction between neighboring cells and their hindered ability to diffusely separate from each other in a viscous polymer solution. Our work thus reveals a pivotal role of polymers in sculpting proliferating bacterial colonies, with implications for how they interact with hosts and with the natural environment, and uncovers quantitative principles governing colony morphogenesis in such complex environments.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available April 22, 2025
Abstract Phages—viruses that infect bacteria—have evolved over billions of years to overcome bacterial defenses. Temperate phage, upon infection, can “choose” between two pathways: lysis—in which the phage create multiple new phage particles, which are then liberated by cell lysis, and lysogeny—where the phage’s genetic material is added to the bacterial DNA and transmitted to the bacterial progeny. It was recently discovered that some phages can read information from the environment related to the density of bacteria or the number of nearby infection attempts. Such information may help phage make the right choice between the two pathways. Here, we develop a theoretical model that allows an infecting phage to change its strategy (i.e. the ratio of lysis to lysogeny) depending on an outside signal, and we find the optimal strategy that maximizes phage proliferation. While phages that exploit extra information naturally win in competition against phages with a fixed strategy, there may be costs to information, e.g. as the necessary extra genes may affect the growth rate of a lysogen or the burst size of new phage for the lysis pathway. Surprisingly, even when phages pay a large price for information, they can still maintain an advantage over phages that lack this information, indicating the high benefit of intelligence gathering in phage–bacteria warfare.
Abstract While most studies of biomolecular phase separation have focused on the condensed phase, relatively little is known about the dilute phase. Theory suggests that stable complexes form in the dilute phase of two-component phase-separating systems, impacting phase separation; however, these complexes have not been interrogated experimentally. We show that such complexes indeed exist, using an in vitro reconstitution system of a phase-separated organelle, the algal pyrenoid, consisting of purified proteins Rubisco and EPYC1. Applying fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to measure diffusion coefficients, we found that complexes form in the dilute phase with or without condensates present. The majority of these complexes contain exactly one Rubisco molecule. Additionally, we developed a simple analytical model which recapitulates experimental findings and provides molecular insights into the dilute phase organization. Thus, our results demonstrate the existence of protein complexes in the dilute phase, which could play important roles in the stability, dynamics, and regulation of condensates.more » « less
It has recently become appreciated that cells self-organize their interiors through the formation of biomolecular condensates. These condensates, typically formed through liquid–liquid phase separation of proteins, nucleic acids, and other biopolymers, exhibit reversible assembly/disassembly in response to changing conditions. Condensates play many functional roles, aiding in biochemical reactions, signal transduction, and sequestration of certain components. Ultimately, these functions depend on the physical properties of condensates, which are encoded in the microscopic features of the constituent biomolecules. In general, the mapping from microscopic features to macroscopic properties is complex, but it is known that near a critical point, macroscopic properties follow power laws with only a small number of parameters, making it easier to identify underlying principles. How far does this critical region extend for biomolecular condensates and what principles govern condensate properties in the critical regime? Using coarse-grained molecular-dynamics simulations of a representative class of biomolecular condensates, we found that the critical regime can be wide enough to cover the full physiological range of temperatures. Within this critical regime, we identified that polymer sequence influences surface tension predominately via shifting the critical temperature. Finally, we show that condensate surface tension over a wide range of temperatures can be calculated from the critical temperature and a single measurement of the interface width.more » « less
Abstract Bacterial populations are highly adaptive. They can respond to stress and survive in shifting environments. How the behaviours of individual bacteria vary during stress, however, is poorly understood. To identify and characterize rare bacterial subpopulations, technologies for single-cell transcriptional profiling have been developed. Existing approaches show some degree of limitation, for example, in terms of number of cells or transcripts that can be profiled. Due in part to these limitations, few conditions have been studied with these tools. Here we develop massively-parallel, multiplexed, microbial sequencing (M3-seq)—a single-cell RNA-sequencing platform for bacteria that pairs combinatorial cell indexing with post hoc rRNA depletion. We show that M3-seq can profile bacterial cells from different species under a range of conditions in single experiments. We then apply M3-seq to hundreds of thousands of cells, revealing rare populations and insights into bet-hedging associated with stress responses and characterizing phage infection.
Bacteria orchestrate collective behaviors and accomplish feats that would be unsuccessful if carried out by a lone bacterium. Processes undertaken by groups of bacteria include bioluminescence, biofilm formation, virulence factor production, and release of public goods that are shared by the community. Collective behaviors are controlled by signal transduction networks that integrate sensory information and transduce the information internally. Here, we discuss network features and mechanisms that, even in the face of dramatically changing environments, drive precise execution of bacterial group behaviors. We focus on representative quorum-sensing and second-messenger cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP) signal relays. We highlight ligand specificity versus sensitivity, how small-molecule ligands drive discrimination of kin versus nonkin, signal integration mechanisms, single-input sensory systems versus coincidence detectors, and tuning of input-output dynamics via feedback regulation. We summarize how different features of signal transduction systems allow groups of bacteria to successfully interpret and collectively react to dynamically changing environments. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Microbiology, Volume 76 is September 2022. Please see for revised estimates.more » « less
Abstract In mammals, subcellular protein localization of factors like planar cell polarity proteins is a key driver of the multicellular organization of tissues. Bacteria also form organized multicellular communities, but these patterns are largely thought to emerge from regulation of whole-cell processes like growth, motility, cell shape, and differentiation. Here we show that a unique intracellular patterning of appendages known as type IV pili (T4P) can drive multicellular development of complex bacterial communities. Specifically, dynamic T4P appendages localize in a line along the long axis of the cell in the bacterium Acinetobacter baylyi . This long-axis localization is regulated by a functionally divergent chemosensory Pil-Chp system, and an atypical T4P protein homologue (FimV) bridges Pil-Chp signaling and T4P positioning. We further demonstrate through modeling and empirical approaches that subcellular T4P localization controls how individual cells interact with one another, independently of T4P dynamics, with different patterns of localization giving rise to distinct multicellular architectures. Our results reveal how subcellular patterning of single cells regulates the development of multicellular bacterial communities.more » « less