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  1. Abstract

    Subsurface microorganisms make up the majority of Earth's microbial biomass, but ecological processes governing surface communities may not explain community patterns at depth because of burial. Depth constrains dispersal and energy availability, and when combined with geographic isolation across landscapes, may influence community assembly. We sequenced the 16S rRNA gene of bacteria and archaea from 48 sediment cores across 36 lakes in four disconnected mountain ranges in Wyoming, USA and used null models to infer assembly processes across depth, spatial isolation, and varying environments. Although we expected strong dispersal limitations across these isolated settings, community composition was primarily shaped by environmental selection. Communities consistently shifted from domination by organisms that degrade organic matter at the surface to methanogenic, low‐energy adapted taxa in deeper zones. Stochastic processes—like dispersal limitation—contributed to differences among lakes, but because these effects weakened with depth, selection processes ultimately governed subsurface microbial biogeography.

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  2. Abstract

    Dispersal and dormancy are two common strategies allowing for species persistence and the maintenance of biodiversity in variable environments. However, theory and empirical tests of spatial diversity patterns tend to examine either mechanism in isolation. Here, we developed a stochastic, spatially explicit metacommunity model incorporating seed banks with varying germination and survival rates. We found that dormancy and dispersal had interactive, nonlinear effects on the maintenance and distribution of metacommunity diversity. Seed banks promoted local diversity when seed survival was high and maintained regional diversity through interactions with dispersal. The benefits of seed banks for regional diversity were largest when dispersal was high or intermediate, depending on whether local competition was equal or stabilising. Our study shows that classic predictions for how dispersal affects metacommunity diversity can be strongly influenced by dormancy. Together, these results emphasise the need to consider both temporal and spatial processes when predicting multi‐scale patterns of diversity.

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  3. Abstract

    Coexisting species often exhibit negative frequency dependence due to mechanisms that promote population growth and persistence when rare. These stabilising mechanisms can maintain diversity through interspecific niche differences, but also through life‐history strategies like dormancy that buffer populations in fluctuating environments. However, there are few tests demonstrating how seed banks contribute to long‐term community dynamics and the maintenance of diversity. Using a multi‐year, high‐frequency time series of bacterial community data from a north temperate lake, we documented patterns consistent with stabilising coexistence. Bacterial taxa exhibited differential responses to seasonal environmental conditions, while seed bank dynamics helped maintain diversity over less‐favourable winter periods. Strong negative frequency dependence in rare, but metabolically active, taxa suggested a role for biotic interactions in promoting coexistence. Together, our results provide field‐based evidence that niche differences and seed banks contribute to recurring community dynamics and the long‐term maintenance of diversity in nature.

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  4. null (Ed.)
  5. null (Ed.)
    Global loss of biodiversity and its associated ecosystem services is occurring at an alarming rate and is predicted to accelerate in the future. Metacommunity theory provides a framework to investigate multi-scale processes that drive change in biodiversity across space and time. Short-term ecological studies across space have progressed our understanding of biodiversity through a metacommunity lens, however, such snapshots in time have been limited in their ability to explain which processes, at which scales, generate observed spatial patterns. Temporal dynamics of metacommunities have been understudied, and large gaps in theory and empirical data have hindered progress in our understanding of underlying metacommunity processes that give rise to biodiversity patterns. Fortunately, we are at an important point in the history of ecology, where long-term studies with cross-scale spatial replication provide a means to gain a deeper understanding of the multiscale processes driving biodiversity patterns in time and space to inform metacommunity theory. The maturation of coordinated research and observation networks, such as the United States Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program, provides an opportunity to advance explanation and prediction of biodiversity change with observational and experimental data at spatial and temporal scales greater than any single research group could accomplish. Synthesis of LTER network community datasets illustrates that long-term studies with spatial replication present an under-utilized resource for advancing spatio-temporal metacommunity research. We identify challenges towards synthesizing these data and present recommendations for addressing these challenges. We conclude with insights about how future monitoring efforts by coordinated research and observation networks could further the development of metacommunity theory and its applications aimed at improving conservation efforts. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
    Disturbances fundamentally alter ecosystem functions, yet predicting their impacts remains a key scientific challenge. While the study of disturbances is ubiquitous across many ecological disciplines, there is no agreed-upon, cross-disciplinary foundation for discussing or quantifying the complexity of disturbances, and no consistent terminology or methodologies exist. This inconsistency presents an increasingly urgent challenge due to accelerating global change and the threat of interacting disturbances that can destabilize ecosystem responses. By harvesting the expertise of an interdisciplinary cohort of contributors spanning 42 institutions across 15 countries, we identified an essential limitation in disturbance ecology: the word ‘disturbance’ is used interchangeably to refer to both the events that cause, and the consequences of, ecological change, despite fundamental distinctions between the two meanings. In response, we developed a generalizable framework of ecosystem disturbances, providing a well-defined lexicon for understanding disturbances across perspectives and scales. The framework results from ideas that resonate across multiple scientific disciplines and provides a baseline standard to compare disturbances across fields. This framework can be supplemented by discipline-specific variables to provide maximum benefit to both inter- and intra-disciplinary research. To support future syntheses and meta-analyses of disturbance research, we also encourage researchers to be explicit in how they define disturbance drivers and impacts, and we recommend minimum reporting standards that are applicable regardless of scale. Finally, we discuss the primary factors we considered when developing a baseline framework and propose four future directions to advance our interdisciplinary understanding of disturbances and their social-ecological impacts: integrating across ecological scales, understanding disturbance interactions, establishing baselines and trajectories, and developing process-based models and ecological forecasting initiatives. Our experience through this process motivates us to encourage the wider scientific community to continue to explore new approaches for leveraging Open Science principles in generating creative and multidisciplinary ideas. 
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  7. Abstract

    Rescue effects arise when ecological and evolutionary processes restore positive intrinsic growth rates in populations that are at risk of going extinct. Rescue effects have traditionally focused on the roles of immigration, phenotypic plasticity, gene flow, and adaptation. However, species interactions are also critical for understanding how populations respond to environmental change.

    In particular, the fitness of plant and animal hosts is strongly influenced by symbiotic associations with the bacteria, archaea, microeukaryotes and viruses that collectively make up a host's microbiome. While some are pathogenic, many microorganisms confer nutritional, immunological, and developmental benefits that can protect hosts against the effects of rapid environmental change.

    Microbial rescue occurs when changes in microbiome abundance, composition, or activity influence host physiology or behaviour in ways that improve host fitness. If these microbial attributes and their beneficial effects are transmitted through a population, it may stabilize growth rates and reduce the probability of extinction.

    In addition to providing a framework to guide theoretical and empirical efforts in host‐microbiome research, the principles of microbial rescue may also be useful for adaptively managing at‐risk species. We discuss the risks and rewards of incorporating microbial rescue into conservation strategies such as probiotics, assisted migration, and captive breeding.

    A freePlain Language Summarycan be found within the Supporting Information of this article.

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