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Creators/Authors contains: "Woodcroft, Ben J"

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  1. Advances in sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools have dramatically increased the recovery rate of microbial genomes from metagenomic data. Assessing the quality of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) is a critical step before downstream analysis. Here, we present CheckM2, an improved method of predicting genome quality of MAGs using machine learning. Using synthetic and experimental data, we demonstrate that CheckM2 outperforms existing tools in both accuracy and computational speed. In addition, CheckM2’s database can be rapidly updated with new high-quality reference genomes, including taxa represented only by a single genome. We also show that CheckM2 accurately predicts genome quality for MAGs from novel lineages, even for those with reduced genome size (for example, Patescibacteria and the DPANN superphylum). CheckM2 provides accurate genome quality predictions across bacterial and archaeal lineages, giving increased confidence when inferring biological conclusions from MAGs. 
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  2. Hernandez, Marcela (Ed.)

    While wetlands are major sources of biogenic methane (CH4), our understanding of resident microbial metabolism is incomplete, which compromises the prediction of CH4emissions under ongoing climate change. Here, we employed genome-resolved multi-omics to expand our understanding of methanogenesis in the thawing permafrost peatland of Stordalen Mire in Arctic Sweden. In quadrupling the genomic representation of the site’s methanogens and examining their encoded metabolism, we revealed that nearly 20% of the metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) encoded the potential for methylotrophic methanogenesis. Further, 27% of the transcriptionally active methanogens expressed methylotrophic genes; forMethanosarcinalesandMethanobacterialesMAGs, these data indicated the use of methylated oxygen compounds (e.g., methanol), while forMethanomassiliicoccales, they primarily implicated methyl sulfides and methylamines. In addition to methanogenic methylotrophy, >1,700 bacterial MAGs across 19 phyla encoded anaerobic methylotrophic potential, with expression across 12 phyla. Metabolomic analyses revealed the presence of diverse methylated compounds in the Mire, including some known methylotrophic substrates. Active methylotrophy was observed across all stages of a permafrost thaw gradient in Stordalen, with the most frozen non-methanogenic palsa found to host bacterial methylotrophy and the partially thawed bog and fully thawed fen seen to house both methanogenic and bacterial methylotrophic activities. Methanogenesis across increasing permafrost thaw is thus revised from the sole dominance of hydrogenotrophic production and the appearance of acetoclastic at full thaw to consider the co-occurrence of methylotrophy throughout. Collectively, these findings indicate that methanogenic and bacterial methylotrophy may be an important and previously underappreciated component of carbon cycling and emissions in these rapidly changing wetland habitats.


    Wetlands are the biggest natural source of atmospheric methane (CH4) emissions, yet we have an incomplete understanding of the suite of microbial metabolism that results in CH4formation. Specifically, methanogenesis from methylated compounds is excluded from all ecosystem models used to predict wetland contributions to the global CH4budget. Though recent studies have shown methylotrophic methanogenesis to be active across wetlands, the broad climatic importance of the metabolism remains critically understudied. Further, some methylotrophic bacteria are known to produce methanogenic by-products like acetate, increasing the complexity of the microbial methylotrophic metabolic network. Prior studies of Stordalen Mire have suggested that methylotrophic methanogenesis is irrelevantin situand have not emphasized the bacterial capacity for metabolism, both of which we countered in this study. The importance of our findings lies in the significant advancement toward unraveling the broader impact of methylotrophs in wetland methanogenesis and, consequently, their contribution to the terrestrial global carbon cycle.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 23, 2025
  3. Abstract

    Climate change is disproportionately warming northern peatlands, which may release large carbon stores via increased microbial activity. While there are many unknowns about such microbial responses, virus roles are especially poorly characterized with studies to date largely restricted to “bycatch” from bulk metagenomes. Here, we used optimized viral particle purification techniques on 20 samples along a highly contextualized peatland permafrost thaw gradient, extracted and sequenced viral particle DNA using two library kits to capture single-stranded (ssDNA) and double-stranded (dsDNA) virus genomes (40 total viromes), and explored their diversity and potential ecosystem impacts. Both kits recovered similar dsDNA virus numbers, but only one also captured thousands of ssDNA viruses. Combining these data, we explored population-level ecology using genomic representation from 9,560 viral operational taxonomic units (vOTUs); nearly a 4-fold expansion from permafrost-associated soils, and 97% of which were novel when compared against large datasets from soils, oceans, and the human gut.In silicopredictions identified putative hosts for 44% (4,149 dsDNA + 17 ssDNA) of the identified vOTUs spanning 2 eukaryotic, 12 archaeal, and 30 bacterial phyla. The recovered vOTUs encoded 1,684 putative auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) and other metabolic genes carried by ∼10% of detected vOTUs, of which 46% were related to carbon processing and 644 were novel. These AMGs grouped into five functional categories and 11 subcategories, and nearly half (47%) of the AMGs were involved in carbon utilization. Of these, 112 vOTUs encoded 123 glycoside hydrolases spanning 15 types involved in the degradation of polysaccharides (e.g., cellulose) to monosaccharides (e.g., galactose), or further monosaccharide degradation, which suggests virus involvement in myriad metabolisms including fermentation and central carbon metabolism. These findings expand the scope of viral roles in microbial carbon processing and suggest viruses may be critical for understanding the fate of soil organic carbon in peatlands.

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  4. Abstract

    Northern post-glacial lakes are significant, increasing sources of atmospheric carbon through ebullition (bubbling) of microbially-produced methane (CH4) from sediments. Ebullitive CH4flux correlates strongly with temperature, reflecting that solar radiation drives emissions. However, here we show that the slope of the temperature-CH4flux relationship differs spatially across two post-glacial lakes in Sweden. We compared these CH4emission patterns with sediment microbial (metagenomic and amplicon), isotopic, and geochemical data. The temperature-associated increase in CH4emissions was greater in lake middles—where methanogens were more abundant—than edges, and sediment communities were distinct between edges and middles. Microbial abundances, including those of CH4-cycling microorganisms and syntrophs, were predictive of porewater CH4concentrations. Results suggest that deeper lake regions, which currently emit less CH4than shallower edges, could add substantially to CH4emissions in a warmer Arctic and that CH4emission predictions may be improved by accounting for spatial variations in sediment microbiota.

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  5. Abstract

    The methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR) complex is a key enzyme in archaeal methane generation and has recently been proposed to also be involved in the oxidation of short-chain hydrocarbons including methane, butane, and potentially propane. The number of archaeal clades encoding the MCR continues to grow, suggesting that this complex was inherited from an ancient ancestor, or has undergone extensive horizontal gene transfer. Expanding the representation of MCR-encoding lineages through metagenomic approaches will help resolve the evolutionary history of this complex. Here, a near-complete Archaeoglobi metagenome-assembled genome (MAG; Ca. Polytropus marinifundus gen. nov. sp. nov.) was recovered from the deep subseafloor along the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank that encodes two divergent McrABG operons similar to those found in Ca. Bathyarchaeota and Ca. Syntrophoarchaeum MAGs. Ca. P. marinifundus is basal to members of the class Archaeoglobi, and encodes the genes for β-oxidation, potentially allowing an alkanotrophic metabolism similar to that proposed for Ca. Syntrophoarchaeum. Ca. P. marinifundus also encodes a respiratory electron transport chain that can potentially utilize nitrate, iron, and sulfur compounds as electron acceptors. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the Ca. P. marinifundus MCR operons were horizontally transferred, changing our understanding of the evolution and distribution of this complex in the Archaea.

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