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  1. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are powerful tools for learning generative models. In practice, the training may suffer from lack of convergence. GANs are commonly viewed as a two-player zero-sum game between two neural networks. Here, we leverage this game theoretic view to study the convergence behavior of the training process. Inspired by the fictitious play learning process, a novel training method, referred to as Fictitious GAN, is introduced. Fictitious GAN trains the deep neural networks using a mixture of historical models. Specifically, the discriminator (resp. generator) is updated according to the best-response to the mixture outputs from a sequence of previously trained generators (resp. discriminators). It is shown that Fictitious GAN can effectively resolve some convergence issues that cannot be resolved by the standard training approach. It is proved that asymptotically the average of the generator outputs has the same distribution as the data samples. 
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  2. Summary

    Brain connectivity analysis is now at the foreground of neuroscience research. A connectivity network is characterized by a graph, where nodes represent neural elements such as neurons and brain regions, and links represent statistical dependence that is often encoded in terms of partial correlation. Such a graph is inferred from the matrix-valued neuroimaging data such as electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. There have been a good number of successful proposals for sparse precision matrix estimation under normal or matrix normal distribution; however, this family of solutions does not offer a direct statistical significance quantification for the estimated links. In this article, we adopt a matrix normal distribution framework and formulate the brain connectivity analysis as a precision matrix hypothesis testing problem. Based on the separable spatial-temporal dependence structure, we develop oracle and data-driven procedures to test both the global hypothesis that all spatial locations are conditionally independent, and simultaneous tests for identifying conditional dependent spatial locations with false discovery rate control. Our theoretical results show that the data-driven procedures perform asymptotically as well as the oracle procedures and enjoy certain optimality properties. The empirical finite-sample performance of the proposed tests is studied via intensive simulations, and the new tests are applied on a real electroencephalography data analysis.

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  3. Summary

    Inferring brain connectivity network and quantifying the significance of interactions between brain regions are of paramount importance in neuroscience. Although there have recently emerged some tests for graph inference based on independent samples, there is no readily available solution to test the change of brain network for paired and correlated samples. In this article, we develop a paired test of matrix graphs to infer brain connectivity network when the groups of samples are correlated. The proposed test statistic is both bias corrected and variance corrected, and achieves a small estimation error rate. The subsequent multiple testing procedure built on this test statistic is guaranteed to asymptotically control the false discovery rate at the pre-specified level. Both the methodology and theory of the new test are considerably different from the two independent samples framework, owing to the strong correlations of measurements on the same subjects before and after the stimulus activity. We illustrate the efficacy of our proposal through simulations and an analysis of an Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative dataset.

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