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Creators/Authors contains: "Xiao, Derek"

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  1. Previously, dynamic-assignment Blahut-Arimoto (DAB) was used to find capacity-achieving probability mass functions (PMFs) for binomial channels and molecular channels. As it turns out, DAB can efficiently identify capacity-achieving PMFs for a wide variety of channels. This paper applies DAB to power-constrained (PC) additive white Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Channels and amplitude-constrained (AC) AWGN Channels.This paper modifies DAB to include a power constraint and finds low-cardinality PMFs that approach capacity on PC-AWGN Channels. While a continuous Gaussian PDF is well-known to be capacity-achieving on the PC-AWGN channel, DAB identifies low-cardinality PMFs within 0.01 bits of the mutual information provided by a Gaussian PDF. Recall the results of Ozarow and Wyner requiring a constellation cardinality of ⌈2 ^ (C+1) ⌉ to approach capacity C to within the asymptotic shaping loss of 1.53 dB at high SNR. PMF's found by DAB approach capacity with essentially no shaping loss with cardinality less than 2 ^ (C+1.2) . As expected, DAB's numerical approach identifies PMFs with better mutual information vs. SNR performance than the analytical approaches to finite-support constellations examined by Wu and Verdu. This paper also uses DAB to find capacity-achieving PMFs with small cardinality support sets for AC-AWGN Channels. The resulting evolution of capacity-achieving PMFs as a function of SNR is consistent with the approximate cardinality transition points of Sharma and Shamai. 
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