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Context. There has been significant technological and scientific progress in our ability to detect, monitor, and model the physics of γ -ray bursts (GRBs) over the 50 years since their first discovery. However, the dissipation process thought to be responsible for their defining prompt emission is still unknown. Recent efforts have focused on investigating how the ultrarelativistic jet of the GRB propagates through the progenitor’s stellar envelope for different initial composition shapes, jet structures, magnetisation, and, consequently, possible energy dissipation processes. Study of the temporal variability – in particular the shortest duration of an independent emission episode within a GRB – may provide a unique way to distinguish the imprint of the inner engine activity from geometry and propagation related effects. The advent of new high-energy detectors with exquisite time resolution now makes this possible. Aims. We aim to characterise the minimum variability timescale (MVT) defined as the shortest duration of individual pulses that shape a light curve for a sample of GRBs in the keV–MeV energy range and test correlations with other key observables such as the peak luminosity, the Lorentz factor, and the jet opening angle. We compare these correlations with predictions from recent numerical simulations for a relativistic structured – possibly wobbling – jet and assess the value of temporal variability studies as probes of prompt-emission dissipation physics. Methods. We used the peak detection algorithm MEPSA to identify the shortest pulse within a GRB time history and preliminarily calibrated MEPSA to estimate the full width at half maximum duration. We then applied this framework to two sets of GRBs: Swift GRBs (from 2005 to July 2022) and Insight Hard Modulation X-ray Telescope (Insight-HXMT) GRBs (from June 2017 to July 2021, including the exceptional 221009A). We then selected 401 GRBs with measured redshift to test for correlations. Results. We confirm that, on average, short GRBs have significantly shorter MVTs than long GRBs. The MVT distribution of short GRBs with extended emission such as 060614 and 211211A is compatible only with that of short GRBs. This is important because it provides a new clue concerning the progenitor’s nature. The MVT for long GRBs with measured redshift anti-correlates with peak luminosity; our analysis includes careful evaluation of selection effects. We confirm the anti-correlation with the Lorentz factor and find a correlation with the jet opening angle as estimated from the afterglow light curve, along with an inverse correlation with the number of pulses. Conclusions. The MVT can identify the emerging putative new class of long GRBs that are suggested to be produced by compact binary mergers. For otherwise typical long GRBs, the different correlations between MVT and peak luminosity, Lorentz factor, jet opening angle, and number of pulses can be explained within the context of structured, possibly wobbling, weakly magnetised relativistic jets.more » « less
Estimating the future event sequence conditioned on current observations is a long-standing and challenging task in temporal analysis. On one hand for many real-world problems the underlying dynamics can be very complex and often unknown. This renders the traditional parametric point process models often fail to fit the data for their limited capacity. On the other hand, long-term prediction suffers from the problem of bias exposure where the error accumulates and propagates to future prediction. Our new model builds upon the sequence to sequence (seq2seq) prediction network. Compared with parametric point process models, its modeling capacity is higher and has better flexibility for fitting real-world data. The main novelty of the paper is to mitigate the second challenge by introducing the likelihood-free loss based on Wasserstein distance between point processes, besides negative maximum likelihood loss used in the traditional seq2seq model. Wasserstein distance, unlike KL divergence i.e. MLE loss, is sensitive to the underlying geometry between samples and can robustly enforce close geometry structure between them. This technique is proven able to improve the vanilla seq2seq model by a notable margin on various tasks.more » « less
Abstract Non‐calcified marine macroalgae (“seaweeds”) play a variety of key roles in the modern Earth system, and it is likely that they were also important players in the geological past, particularly during critical transitions such as the Cambrian Explosion (
CE ) and the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE ). To investigate the morphology and ecology of seaweeds spanning the time frame from theCE through theGOBE , a carefully vetted database was constructed that includes taxonomic and morphometric information for non‐calcified macroalgae from 69 fossil deposits. Analysis of the database shows a pattern of seaweed history that can be explained in terms of two floras: the Cambrian Flora and the Ordovician Flora. The Cambrian Flora was dominated by rather simple morphogroups, whereas the Ordovician Flora, which replaced the Cambrian Flora in the Ordovician and extended through the Silurian, mainly comprised comparatively complex morphogroups. In addition to morphogroup representation, the two floras show marked differences in taxonomic composition, morphospace occupation, functional‐form group representation, and life habit, thereby pointing to significant morphological and ecological changes for seaweeds roughly concomitant with theGOBE and the transition from the Cambrian to Paleozoic Evolutionary Faunas. Macroalgal changes of a similar nature and magnitude, however, are not evident in concert with theCE , as the Cambrian Flora consists largely of forms established during the Ediacaran. The cause of such a lag in macroalgal morphological diversification remains unclear, but an intriguing possibility is that it signals a previously unknown difference between theCE andGOBE with regard to the introduction of novel grazing pressures. The consequences of the establishment of the Ordovician Flora for shallow marine ecosystems and Earth system dynamics remain to be explored in detail but could have been multifaceted and potentially include impacts on the global carbon cycle. -
Abstract The Ediacara biota features the rise of macroscopic complex life immediately before the Cambrian explosion. One of the most abundant and widely distributed elements of the Ediacara biota is the discoidal fossil
Aspidella , which is interpreted as a subsurface holdfast possibly anchoring a frondose epibenthic organism. It is a morphologically simple fossil preserved mainly in siliciclastic rocks, which are unsuitable for comprehensive stable isotope geochemical analyses to decipher its taphonomy and paleoecology. In this regard, three‐dimensionally preservedAspidella fossils from upper Ediacaran limestones of the Khatyspyt Formation in the Olenek Uplift of northern Siberia offer a rare opportunity to leverage geochemistry for insights into their taphonomy and paleoecology. To take advantage of this opportunity, we analyzed δ13Ccarb, δ18Ocarb, δ13Corg, δ34Spyr, and iron speciation of the KhatyspytAspidella fossils and surrounding sediment matrix in order to investigate whether they hosted microbial symbionts, how they were fossilized, and the redox conditions of their ecological environments.Aspidella holdfasts and surrounding sediment matrix show indistinguishable δ13Corgvalues, suggesting they did not host and derive significant amount of nutrients from microbial symbionts such as methanogens, methylotrophs, or sulfide‐oxidizing bacteria. δ13Ccarb, δ18Ocarb, and δ34Spyrdata, along with petrographic observations, suggest that microbial sulfate reduction facilitated the preservation ofAspidella by promoting early authigenic calcite cementation in the holdfasts before matrix cementation and sediment compaction. Iron speciation data are equivocal, largely because of the low total iron concentrations. However, consideration of published sulfur isotope and biomarker data suggests thatAspidella likely lived in non‐euxinic waters. It is possible thatAspidella was an opportunistic organism, colonizing the seafloor in large numbers when paleoenvironments were favorable. This study demonstrates that geochemical data of Ediacaran fossils preserved in limestones can offer important insights into the taphonomy and paleoecology of these enigmatic organisms living on the eve of the Cambrian explosion. -
Abstract The Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in South China is a prime target for geobiological investigation because it offers opportunities to integrate chemostratigraphic and paleobiological data. Previous studies were mostly focused on successions in shallow‐water shelf facies, but data from deep‐water successions are needed to fully understand basinal redox structures. Here, we report δ13Ccarb, δ13Corg, δ34Spyr, δ34
SCAS , and δ15Nseddata from a drill core of the fossiliferous Lantian Formation, which is a deep‐water equivalent of the Doushantuo Formation. Our data confirm a large (>10‰) spatial gradient in δ13Ccarbin the lower Doushantuo/Lantian formations, but this gradient is probably due to the greater sensitivity of carbonate‐poor deep‐water sediments to isotopic mixing with13C‐depleted carbonate cements. A pronounced negative δ13Ccarbexcursion (EN 3) in the upper Doushantuo/Lantian formations, however, is spatially consistent and may be an equivalent of the Shuram excursion. δ34Spyris more negative in deeper‐water facies than in shallow‐water facies, particularly in the lower Doushantuo/Lantian formations, and this spatial pattern is interpreted as evidence for ocean redox stratification: Pyrite precipitated in euxinic deep waters has lower δ34Spyrthan that formed within shallow‐water sediments. The Lantian Formation was probably deposited in oscillating oxic and euxinic conditions. Euxinic black shales have higherTOC andTN contents, but lower δ34Spyrand δ15Nsedvalues. In euxinic environments, pyrite was predominantly formed in the water column and organic nitrogen was predominantly derived from nitrogen fixation orNH 4+assimilation because of quantitative denitrification, resulting in lower δ34Spyrand δ15Nsedvalues. Benthic macroalgae and putative animals occur exclusively in euxinic black shales. If preserved in situ, these organisms must have lived in brief oxic episodes punctuating largely euxinic intervals, only to be decimated and preserved when the local environment switched back to euxinia again. Thus, taphonomy and ecology were the primary factors controlling the stratigraphic distribution of macrofossils in the Lantian Formation.