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Chung, Chris (2)
Javanmardi, Kamyab (2)
Kadakia, Rahul T. (2)
Ohman, Lauren E. (2)
Que, Emily L. (2)
Xie, Da (2)
Xie, Zhu‐Lin (2)
Yu, Meng (2)
Chai, Wenrui (1)
Henkelman, Graeme A. (1)
Kerns, Spencer A. (1)
Rose, Michael J. (1)
Xie, Zhu-Lin (1)
#Tyler Phillips, Kenneth E. (0)
#Willis, Ciara (0)
& Abreu-Ramos, E. D. (0)
& Abramson, C. I. (0)
& Abreu-Ramos, E. D. (0)
& Adams, S.G. (0)
& Ahmed, K. (0)
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& Spizer, S. M. (0)
& . Spizer, S. (0)
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& Chen, Bodong (0)
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& S. Spitzer (0)
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(submitted - in Review for IEEE ICASSP-2024) (0)
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Xie, Da ; Yu, Meng ; Xie, Zhu‐Lin ; Kadakia, Rahul T. ; Chung, Chris ; Ohman, Lauren E. ; Javanmardi, Kamyab ; Que, Emily L. ( , Angewandte Chemie International Edition)
Abstract 19F magnetic resonance (MR) based detection coupled with well‐designed inorganic systems shows promise in biological investigations. Two proof‐of‐concept inorganic probes that exploit a novel mechanism for19F MR sensing based on converting from low‐spin (
S =0) to high‐spin (S =1) Ni2+are reported. Activation of diamagneticNiL1 andNiL2 by light or β‐galactosidase, respectively, converts them into paramagneticNiL0 , which displays a single19F NMR peak shifted by >35 ppm with accelerated relaxation rates. This spin‐state switch is effective for sensing light or enzyme expression in live cells using19F MR spectroscopy and imaging that differentiate signals based on chemical shift and relaxation times. This general inorganic scaffold has potential for developing agents that can sense analytes ranging from ions to enzymes, opening up diverse possibilities for19F MR based biosensing. -
Xie, Da ; Yu, Meng ; Xie, Zhu‐Lin ; Kadakia, Rahul T. ; Chung, Chris ; Ohman, Lauren E. ; Javanmardi, Kamyab ; Que, Emily L. ( , Angewandte Chemie)
Abstract 19F magnetic resonance (MR) based detection coupled with well‐designed inorganic systems shows promise in biological investigations. Two proof‐of‐concept inorganic probes that exploit a novel mechanism for19F MR sensing based on converting from low‐spin (
S =0) to high‐spin (S =1) Ni2+are reported. Activation of diamagneticNiL1 andNiL2 by light or β‐galactosidase, respectively, converts them into paramagneticNiL0 , which displays a single19F NMR peak shifted by >35 ppm with accelerated relaxation rates. This spin‐state switch is effective for sensing light or enzyme expression in live cells using19F MR spectroscopy and imaging that differentiate signals based on chemical shift and relaxation times. This general inorganic scaffold has potential for developing agents that can sense analytes ranging from ions to enzymes, opening up diverse possibilities for19F MR based biosensing.