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Creators/Authors contains: "Xu, Qianna"

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  1. Abstract

    Nanoparticle pollution has been shown to affect various organisms. However, the effects of nanoparticles on species interactions, and the role of species traits, such as body size, in modulating these effects, are not well‐understood. We addressed this issue using competing freshwater phytoplankton species exposed to copper oxide nanoparticles. Increasing nanoparticle concentration resulted in decreased phytoplankton species growth rates and community productivity (both abundance and biomass). Importantly, we consistently found that nanoparticles had greater negative effects on species with smaller cell sizes, such that nanoparticle pollution weakened the competitive dominance of smaller species and promoted species diversity. Moreover, nanoparticles reduced the growth rate differences and competitive ability differences of competing species, while having little effect on species niche differences. Consequently, nanoparticle pollution reduced the selection effect on phytoplankton community abundance, but increased the selection effect on community biomass. Our results suggest cell size as a key functional trait to consider when predicting phytoplankton community structure and ecosystem functioning in the face of increasing nanopollution.

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  2. Chase, Jonathan (Ed.)
  3. Abstract

    Plant microbiomes are known to influence host fitness and ecosystem functioning, but mechanisms regulating their structure are poorly understood.

    Here, we explored the assembly mechanisms of leaf epiphytic and endophytic bacterial communities using a subtropical forest biodiversity experiment.

    Both epiphytic and endophytic bacterial diversity increased as host tree diversity increased. However, the increased epiphytic diversity in more diverse forests was driven by greater epiphytic diversity (i.e. greaterα‐diversity) on individual trees, whereas the increased endophytic diversity in more diverse forests was driven by greater dissimilarity in endophytic composition (i.e. greaterβ‐diversity) among trees. Mechanistically, responses of epiphytes to changes in host diversity were consistent with mass effects, whereas responses of endophytes were consistent with species sorting.

    Synthesis. These results provided novel experimental evidence that biodiversity declines of plant species will lead to biodiversity declines of plant‐associated microbiomes, but the underlying mechanism may differ between habitats on the plant host.

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  4. Abstract

    Anthropogenic environmental changes are known to affect the Earth's ecosystems. However, how these changes influence assembly trajectories of the impacted communities remains a largely open question.

    In this study, we investigated the effect of elevated nitrogen (N) deposition and increased precipitation on plant taxonomic and phylogenetic β‐diversity in a 9‐year field experiment in the temperate semi‐arid steppe of Inner Mongolia, China.

    We found that both N and water addition significantly increased taxonomic β‐diversity, whereas N, not water, addition significantly increased phylogenetic β‐diversity. After the differences in local species diversity were controlled using null models, the standard effect size of taxonomic β‐diversity still increased with both N and water addition, whereas water, not N, addition, significantly reduced the standard effect size of phylogenetic β‐diversity. The increased phylogenetic convergence observed in the water addition treatment was associated with colonizing species in each water addition plot being more closely related to species in other replicate plots of the same treatment. Species colonization in this treatment was found to be trait‐based, with leaf nitrogen concentration being the key functional trait.

    Synthesis.Our analyses demonstrate that anthropogenic environmental changes may affect the assembly trajectories of plant communities at both taxonomic and phylogenetic scales. Our results also suggest that while stochastic processes may cause communities to diverge in species composition, deterministic process could still drive communities to converge in phylogenetic community structure.

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