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  1. Abstract

    Phylogenetic trees are essential for studying biology, but their reproducibility under identical parameter settings remains unexplored. Here, we find that 3515 (18.11%) IQ-TREE-inferred and 1813 (9.34%) RAxML-NG-inferred maximum likelihood (ML) gene trees are topologically irreproducible when executing two replicates (Run1 and Run2) for each of 19,414 gene alignments in 15 animal, plant, and fungal phylogenomic datasets. Notably, coalescent-based ASTRAL species phylogenies inferred from Run1 and Run2 sets of individual gene trees are topologically irreproducible for 9/15 phylogenomic datasets, whereas concatenation-based phylogenies inferred twice from the same supermatrix are reproducible. Our simulations further show that irreproducible phylogenies are more likely to be incorrect than reproducible phylogenies. These results suggest that a considerable fraction of single-gene ML trees may be irreproducible. Increasing reproducibility in ML inference will benefit from providing analyses’ log files, which contain typically reported parameters (e.g., program, substitution model, number of tree searches) but also typically unreported ones (e.g., random starting seed number, number of threads, processor type).

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  2. Abstract

    As the most diverse group of animals on Earth, insects are key organisms in ecosystems. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) refers to the transfer of genetic material between species by non‐reproductive means. HGT is a major evolutionary force in prokaryotic genome evolution, but its importance in different eukaryotic groups, such as insects, has only recently begun to be understood. Genomic data from hundreds of insect species have enabled the detection of large numbers of HGT events and the elucidation of the functions of some of these foreign genes. Although quantification of the extent of HGT in insects broadens our understanding of its role in insect evolution, the scope of its influence and underlying mechanism(s) of its occurrence remain open questions for the field.

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  3. Grid cells in the brain respond when an animal occupies a periodic lattice of ‘grid fields’ during navigation. Grids are organized in modules with different periodicity. We propose that the grid system implements a hierarchical code for space that economizes the number of neurons required to encode location with a given resolution across a range equal to the largest period. This theory predicts that (i) grid fields should lie on a triangular lattice, (ii) grid scales should follow a geometric progression, (iii) the ratio between adjacent grid scales should be √e for idealized neurons, and lie between 1.4 and 1.7 for realistic neurons, (iv) the scale ratio should vary modestly within and between animals. These results explain the measured grid structure in rodents. We also predict optimal organization in one and three dimensions, the number of modules, and, with added assumptions, the ratio between grid periods and field widths.

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