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Creators/Authors contains: "Yang, Xian"

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  1. Abstract

    Kagome lattices host flat bands due to their frustrated lattice geometry, which leads to destructive quantum interference of electron wave functions. Here, we report imaging of the kagome flat band localization in real-space using scanning tunneling microscopy. We identify both the Fe3Sn kagome lattice layer and the Sn2honeycomb layer with atomic resolution in kagome antiferromagnet FeSn. On the Fe3Sn lattice, at the flat band energy determined by the angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, tunneling spectroscopy detects an unusual state localized uniquely at the Fe kagome lattice network. We further show that the vectorial in-plane magnetic field manipulates the spatial anisotropy of the localization state within each kagome unit cell. Our results are consistent with the real-space flat band localization in the magnetic kagome lattice. We further discuss the magnetic tuning of flat band localization under the spin–orbit coupled magnetic kagome lattice model.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024
  2. Avolio, Meghan (Ed.)
  3. Abstract

    Although parasites are known to have various effects on their hosts, we know little about their role in the assembly of diversifying host populations. Using an experimental bacterium (Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25)-bacteriophage (ϕ2) system, we show that earlier parasite arrival significantly reduced the repeatability of host diversification. Earlier parasite arrival amplified the priority effects associated with the stochastic emergence of novel SBW25 phenotypes, translating into greater historical contingency in SBW25 diversification. Our results highlight the important role of parasite-host interactions in driving host adaptive radiation.

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  4. Abstract

    Anthropogenic environmental changes are influencing the structure and function of many ecological communities, but their underlying mechanisms are often poorly understood. We conducted a 7‐year field experiment to explore the ecological consequences of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) enrichment in a high‐altitude Tibetan alpine grassland. We found that the enrichment of both N and P, but not either alone, increased plant above‐ and belowground biomass. In contrast, N, but not P, enrichment reduced species richness and altered plant phylogenetic diversity and structure. Whereas plant species loss and changes in phylogenetic structure were mainly driven by higher soil manganese levels under N addition, they were mainly driven by increased plant belowground biomass under the addition of both N and P. Our study highlights the resource co‐limitation of community biomass but not the structure of the study grassland, while also identifying soil metal toxicity and belowground competition as important mechanisms driving community changes following nutrient amendment.

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