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Creators/Authors contains: "Yawar, Ali"

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  1. Abstract

    Running injuries are prevalent, but their exact mechanisms remain unknown largely due to limited real-world biomechanical analysis. Reducing overstriding, the horizontal distance that the foot lands ahead of the body, may be relevant to reducing injury risk. Here, we leverage the geometric relationship between overstriding and lower extremity sagittal segment angles to demonstrate that wearable inertial measurement units (IMUs) can predict overstriding during treadmill and overground running in the laboratory. Ten recreational runners matched their strides to a metronome to systematically vary overstriding during constant-speed treadmill running and showed similar overstriding variation during comfortable-speed overground running. Linear mixed models were used to analyze repeated measures of overstriding and sagittal segment angles measured with motion capture and IMUs. Sagittal segment angles measured with IMUs explained 95% and 98% of the variance in overstriding during treadmill and overground running, respectively. We also found that sagittal segment angles measured with IMUs correlated with peak braking force and explained 88% and 80% of the variance during treadmill and overground running, respectively. This study highlights the potential for IMUs to provide insights into landing and loading patterns over time in real-world running environments, and motivates future research on feedback to modify form and prevent injury.

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