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Creators/Authors contains: "Yelgaonkar, Shweta P."

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  1. null (Ed.)
    Salt cocrystals with components that assemble by hydrogen bonds and aromatic anion–molecule stacks (π − –π stacks) are reported. U-shaped bipyridines and an isocoumarin carboxylic acid self-assemble to form 5-, 6-, and 10-component aggregates with components in double and quadruple face-to-face stacks. DFT calculations support the π − –π stacks to help stabilize the salt cocrystals. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
    We describe the integration of a small-molecule hydrogen-bond-donor template into a cascade reaction that is comprised of a combination of molecular and supramolecular events. The cascade is performed mechanochemically and in the presence of μL amounts of water. The small-molecule template is generated (molecular) using water-assisted vortex grinding and is then used to assemble an alkene (supramolecular) to undergo an intermolecular [2 + 2] photodimerization reaction (molecular). The chemical cascade results in a cyclobutane photoproduct that we show serves as a building block of a hydrogen-bonded network with a topology that conforms to T-silica. Remarkably, the molecular–supramolecular–molecular chemical cascade occurs stepwise and entirely regioselectively within the continuous mechanochemical conditions employed. 
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