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Creators/Authors contains: "Zamani, M."

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  1. A barrier certificate, defined over the states of a dynamical system, is a real-valued function whose zero level set characterizes an in- ductively verifiable state invariant separating reachable states from unsafe ones. When combined with powerful decision procedures— such as sum-of-squares programming (SOS) or satisfiability-modulo- theory solvers (SMT)—barrier certificates enable an automated de- ductive verification approach to safety. The barrier certificate ap- proach has been extended to refute LTL and l -regular specifications by separating consecutive transitions of corresponding l -automata in the hope of denying all accepting runs. Unsurprisingly, such tactics are bound to be conservative as refutation of recurrence properties requires reasoning about the well-foundedness of the transitive closure of the transition relation. This paper introduces the notion of closure certificates as a natural extension of barrier certificates from state invariants to transition invariants. We aug- ment these definitions with SOS and SMT based characterization for automating the search of closure certificates and demonstrate their effectiveness over some case studies. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 14, 2025
  2. Notions of transition invariants and closure certificates have seen recent use in the formal verification of controlled dy- namical systems against ω-regular properties. The existing approaches face limitations in two directions. First, they re- quire a closed-form mathematical expression representing the model of the system. Such an expression may be difficult to find, too complex to be of any use, or unavailable due to security or privacy constraints. Second, finding such invari- ants typically rely on optimization techniques such as sum-of- squares (SOS) or satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) solvers. This restricts the classes of systems that need to be formally verified. To address these drawbacks, we introduce a notion of neural closure certificates. We present a data-driven algo- rithm that trains a neural network to represent a closure cer- tificate. Our approach is formally correct under some mild as- sumptions, i.e., one is able to formally show that the unknown system satisfies the ω-regular property of interest if a neural closure certificate can be computed. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach with relevant case studies. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 20, 2025