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Abstract With the motivation to study how non-magnetic ion site disorder affects the quantum magnetism of Ba 3 CoSb 2 O 9 , a spin-1/2 equilateral triangular lattice antiferromagnet, we performed DC and AC susceptibility, specific heat, elastic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements on single crystalline samples of Ba 2.87 Sr 0.13 CoSb 2 O 9 with Sr doping on non-magnetic Ba 2+ ion sites. The results show that Ba 2.87 Sr 0.13 CoSb 2 O 9 exhibits (i) a two-step magnetic transition at 2.7 K and 3.3 K, respectively; (ii) a possible canted 120 degree spin structure at zero field with reduced ordered moment as 1.24 μ B /Co; (iii) a series of spin state transitions for both H ∥ ab -plane and H ∥ c -axis. For H ∥ ab -plane, the magnetization plateau feature related to the up–up–down phase is significantly suppressed; (iv) an inelastic neutron scattering spectrum with only one gapped mode at zero field, which splits to one gapless and one gapped mode at 9 T. All these features are distinctly different from those observed for the parent compound Ba 3 CoSb 2 O 9 , which demonstrates that the non-magnetic ion site disorder (the Sr doping) plays a complex role on the magnetic properties beyond the conventionally expected randomization of the exchange interactions. We propose the additional effects including the enhancement of quantum spin fluctuations and introduction of a possible spatial anisotropy through the local structural distortions.more » « less
The temperature-dependent evolution of the Kondo lattice is a long-standing topic of theoretical and experimental investigation and yet it lacks a truly microscopic description of the relation of the basic f-c hybridization processes to the fundamental temperature scales of Kondo screening and Fermi-liquid lattice coherence. Here, the temperature dependence of f-c hybridized band dispersions and Fermi-energy f spectral weight in the Kondo lattice system CeCoIn5is investigated using f-resonant angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) with sufficient detail to allow direct comparison to first-principles dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) calculations containing full realism of crystalline electric-field states. The ARPES results, for two orthogonal (001) and (100) cleaved surfaces and three different f-c hybridization configurations, with additional microscopic insight provided by DMFT, reveal f participation in the Fermi surface at temperatures much higher than the lattice coherence temperature,
K, commonly believed to be the onset for such behavior. The DMFT results show the role of crystalline electric-field (CEF) splittings in this behavior and a T-dependent CEF degeneracy crossover below is specifically highlighted. A recent ARPES report of low T Luttinger theorem failure for CeCoIn5is shown to be unjustified by current ARPES data and is not found in the theory.