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Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2025
High occupancy of cation sites is typical for clathrate-I compositions allowing limited tunability of the electrical properties beyond doping and elemental substitution. Herein, we report on the structure and electrical transport of single-crystal Eu 2 Ga 11 Sn 35 , the sole example of a very low (25%) cation concentration clathrate-I material with atypical transport directly attributable to the structure and stoichiometry.more » « less
We report an investigation of the complexation between a water soluble pillararene host (WP6) and a panel of hydrophobic cationic guests (G1–G20) by a combination of 1 H NMR spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry in phosphate buffered saline. We find that WP6 forms 1 : 1 complexes with K a values in the 10 4 –10 9 M −1 range driven by favorable enthalpic contributions. This thermodynamic dataset serves as blinded data for the SAMPL9 challenge.more » « less
null (Ed.)
A disulfide made by oxidation of 8-thioguanosine is a supergelator. The hydrogels are redox-responsive, as they disassemble upon either reduction or oxidation of the S–S bond. We also identified this disulfide, and 2 other compounds, as intermediates in oxidative desulfurization of 8-thioG to guanosine.more » « less