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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 6, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 11, 2025
  3. In this paper, we study the class of games known as hidden-role games in which players are assigned privately to teams and are faced with the challenge of recognizing and cooperating with teammates. This model includes both popular recreational games such as the Mafia/Werewolf family and The Resistance (Avalon) and many real-world settings, such as distributed systems where nodes need to work together to accomplish a goal in the face of possible corruptions. There has been little to no formal mathematical grounding of such settings in the literature, and it was previously not even clear what the right solution concepts (notions of equilibria) should be. A suitable notion of equilibrium should take into account the communication channels available to the players (e.g., can they communicate? Can they communicate in private?). Defining such suitable notions turns out to be a nontrivial task with several surprising conse- quences. In this paper, we provide the first rigorous definition of equilibrium for hidden-role games, which overcomes serious limitations of other solution concepts not designed for hidden-role games. We then show that in certain cases, including the above recreational games, optimal equilibria can be computed efficiently. In most other cases, we show that computing an optimal equilibrium is at least NP-hard or coNP-hard. Lastly, we experimentally validate our approach by computing exact equilibria for complete 5- and 6-player Avalon instances whose size in terms of number of information sets is larger than 1056. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 8, 2025
  4. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 11, 2025
  5. A recent paper by Farina & Pipis (2023) established the existence of uncoupled no-linear-swap regret dynamics with polynomial-time iterations in extensive-form games. The equilibrium points reached by these dynamics, known as linear correlated equilibria, are currently the tightest known relaxation of correlated equilibrium that can be learned in polynomial time in any finite extensive-form game. However, their properties remain vastly unexplored, and their computation is onerous. In this paper, we provide several contributions shedding light on the fundamental nature of linear-swap regret. First, we show a connection between linear deviations and a generalization of communication deviations in which the player can make queries to a “mediator” who replies with action recommendations, and, critically, the player is not constrained to match the timing of the game as would be the case for communication deviations. We coin this latter set the untimed communication (UTC) deviations. We show that the UTC deviations coincide precisely with the linear deviations, and therefore that any player minimizing UTC regret also minimizes linear-swap regret. We then leverage this connection to develop state-of-the-art no-regret algorithms for computing linear correlated equilibria, both in theory and in practice. In theory, our algorithms achieve polynomially better per-iteration runtimes; in practice, our algorithms represent the state of the art by several orders of magnitude. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 7, 2025
  6. A mediator observes no-regret learners playing an extensive-form game repeatedly across T rounds. The mediator attempts to steer players toward some desirable predetermined equilibrium by giving (nonnegative) payments to players. We call this the steering problem. The steering problem captures problems several problems of interest, among them equilibrium selection and information design (persuasion). If the mediator’s budget is unbounded, steering is trivial because the mediator can simply pay the players to play desirable actions. We study two bounds on the mediator’s payments: a total budget and a per-round budget. If the mediator’s total budget does not grow with T, we show that steering is impossible. However, we show that it is enough for the total budget to grow sublinearly with T, that is, for the average payment to vanish. When players’ full strategies are observed at each round, we show that constant per-round budgets permit steering. In the more challenging setting where only trajectories through the game tree are observable, we show that steering is impossible with constant per-round budgets in general extensive-form games, but possible in normal-form games or if the per-round budget may itself depend on T. We also show how our results can be generalized to the case when the equilibrium is being computed online while steering is happening. We supplement our theoretical positive results with experiments highlighting the efficacy of steering in large games. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 8, 2025
  7. The double oracle algorithm is a popular method of solving games, because it is able to reduce computing equilibria to computing a series of best responses. However, its theoretical properties are not well understood. In this paper, we provide exponential lower bounds on the performance of the double oracle algorithm in both partiallyobservable stochastic games (POSGs) and extensiveform games (EFGs). Our results depend on what is assumed about the tiebreaking scheme—that is, which meta-Nash equilibrium or best response is chosen, in the event that there are multiple to pick from. In particular, for EFGs, our lower bounds require adversarial tiebreaking, whereas for POSGs, our lower bounds apply regardless of how ties are broken. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 8, 2025
  8. We investigate two notions of correlated equilibrium for extensive-form games: extensive-form correlated equilibrium (EFCE) and behavioral correlated equilibrium (BCE). We show that the two are outcome-equivalent, in the sense that every outcome distribution achievable under one notion is achievable under the other. Our result implies, to our knowledge, the first polynomial-time algorithm for computing a BCE. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 20, 2025
  9. Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 27, 2025
  10. We investigate optimal decision making under imperfect recall, that is, when an agent forgets information it once held before. An example is the absentminded driver game, as well as team games in which the members have limited communication capabilities. In the framework of extensiveform games with imperfect recall, we analyze the computational complexities of finding equilibria in multiplayer settings across three different solution concepts: Nash, multiselves based on evidential decision theory (EDT), and multiselves based on causal decision theory (CDT). We are interested in both exact and approximate solution computation. As special cases, we consider (1) single-player games, (2) two-player zero-sum games and relationships to maximin values, and (3) games without exogenous stochasticity (chance nodes). We relate these problems to the complexity classes P, PPAD, PLS, ΣP2 , ∃R, and ∃∀R. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 8, 2025