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We review recent suggestions to quantum simulate scalar electrodynamics (the lattice Abelian Higgs model) in 1+1 dimensions with rectangular arrays of Rydberg atoms. We show that platforms made publicly available recently allow empirical explorations of the critical behavior of quantum simulators. We discuss recent progress regarding the phase diagram of two-leg ladders, effective Hamiltonian approaches and the construction of hybrid quantum algorithms targeting hadronization in collider physics event generators.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available May 4, 2025
Exciton dynamics o perovskite nanoclusters has been investigated or the rst time using emtosecond transient absorption (TA) and time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopy. The TA results show two photoinduced absorption signals at 420 and 461 nm and a photoinduced bleach (PB) signal at 448 nm. The analysis o the PB recovery kinetic decay and kinetic model uncovered multiple processes contributing to electron−hole recombination. The ast component (∼8 ps) is attributed to vibrational relaxation within the initial excited state, and the medium component (∼60 ps) is attributed to shallow carrier trapping. The slow component is attributed to deep carrier trapping rom the initial conduction band edge (∼666 ps) and the shallow trap state (∼40 ps). The TRPL reveals longer time dynamics, with modeled lietimes o 6.6 and 93 ns attributed to recombination through the deep trap state and direct band edge recombination, respectively. The signicant role o exciton trapping processes in the dynamics indicates that these highly conned nanoclusters have deect-rich suraces.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available May 16, 2025
Abstract Metasomatized mantle xenoliths containing hydrous minerals, such as amphiboles, serpentine, and phlogopite, likely represent the potential mineralogical compositions of the metasomatized upper mantle, where low seismic velocities are commonly observed. This study presents the first experimentally determined single‐crystal elasticity model of an Fe‐free near Ca, Mg‐endmember amphibole tremolite at high pressure and/or temperature conditions (maximum pressure 7.3(1) GPa, maximum temperature 700 K) using Brillouin spectroscopy. We found that sound velocities of amphiboles strongly depend on the Fe content. We then calculated the sound velocities of 441 hydrous‐mineral‐bearing mantle xenoliths collected around the globe, and quantitatively evaluated the roles that amphiboles, phlogopite and serpentine played in producing the low velocity anomalies in the metasomatized upper mantle.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 16, 2025 -
We have synthesized inherently chiral cesium lead halide perovskite magic-sized clusters (PMSCs) and ligand-assisted metal halide molecular clusters (MHMCs) using the achiral ligands octanoic acid (OCA) and octylamine (OCAm). UV–vis electronic absorption was used to confirm characteristic absorption bands while circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy was utilized to determine their chiroptical activity in the 412–419 and 395–405 nm regions, respectively. In contrast, the larger sized counterpart of PMSCs, namely, perovskite quantum dots (PQDs), do not show chirality. The inherent chirality of the clusters is tentatively attributed to a twisted chiral layered structure, defect-induced chiral structure, or twisted Pb–Br octahedramore » « less
We report novel sterically-hindered ligands with strong σ-donation from the C3-indazole carbene center and flexible N-substitution with a 2,6-bis(diphenylmethyl)aryl group that extends beyond the metal center in non-classical N-heterocyclic carbenes.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 27, 2025 -
The excited state dynamics of ligand-passivated PbBr2 molecular clusters (MCs) in solution have been investigated for the first time using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. The results uncover a transient bleach (TB) feature peaked around 404 nm, matching the ground state electronic absorption band peaked at 404 nm. The TB recovery signal can be fitted with a triple exponential with fast (10 ps), medium (350 ps), and long (1.8 ns) time constants. The medium and long time constants are very similar to those observed in the timeresolved photoluminescence (TRPL) decay monitored at 412 nm. The TB fast component is attributed to vibrational relaxation in the excited electronic state while the medium component with dominant amplitude is attributed to recombination between the relaxed electron and hole. The small amplitude slow component is assigned to electrons in a relatively long-lived excited electronic state, e.g., triplet state, or shallow trap state due to defects. This study provides new insights into the excited state dynamics of metal halide MCs.more » « less