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Creators/Authors contains: "Zhang, Ran"

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  1. Abstract Plant cellulose microfibrils are increasingly employed to produce functional nanofibers and nanocrystals for biomaterials, but their catalytic formation and conversion mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we characterize length-reduced cellulose nanofibers assembly in situ accounting for the high density of amorphous cellulose regions in the natural rice fragile culm 16 ( Osfc16 ) mutant defective in cellulose biosynthesis using both classic and advanced atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques equipped with a single-molecular recognition system. By employing individual types of cellulases, we observe efficient enzymatic catalysis modes in the mutant, due to amorphous and inner-broken cellulose chains elevated as breakpoints for initiating and completing cellulose hydrolyses into higher-yield fermentable sugars. Furthermore, effective chemical catalysis mode is examined in vitro for cellulose nanofibers conversion into nanocrystals with reduced dimensions. Our study addresses how plant cellulose substrates are digestible and convertible, revealing a strategy for precise engineering of cellulose substrates toward cost-effective biofuels and high-quality bioproducts. 
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  2. Tolyporphins were discovered some 30 years ago as part of a global search for antineoplastic compounds from cyanobacteria. To date, the culture HT-58-2, comprised of a cyanobacterium–microbial consortium, is the sole known producer of tolyporphins. Eighteen tolyporphins are now known—each is a free base tetrapyrrole macrocycle with a dioxobacteriochlorin (14), oxochlorin (3), or porphyrin (1) chromophore. Each compound displays two, three, or four open β-pyrrole positions and two, one, or zero appended C-glycoside (or –OH or –OAc) groups, respectively; the appended groups form part of a geminal disubstitution motif flanking the oxo moiety in the pyrroline ring. The distinct structures and repertoire of tolyporphins stand alone in the large pigments-of-life family. Efforts to understand the cyanobacterial origin, biosynthetic pathways, structural diversity, physiological roles, and potential pharmacological properties of tolyporphins have attracted a broad spectrum of researchers from diverse scientific areas. The identification of putative biosynthetic gene clusters in the HT-58-2 cyanobacterial genome and accompanying studies suggest a new biosynthetic paradigm in the tetrapyrrole arena. The present review provides a comprehensive treatment of the rich science concerning tolyporphins.

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  3. Abstract

    Many natural patterns and shapes, such as meandering coastlines, clouds, or turbulent flows, exhibit a characteristic complexity that is mathematically described by fractal geometry. Here, we extend the reach of fractal concepts in photonics by experimentally demonstrating multifractality of light in arrays of dielectric nanoparticles that are based on fundamental structures of algebraic number theory. Specifically, we engineered novel deterministic photonic platforms based on the aperiodic distributions of primes and irreducible elements in complex quadratic and quaternions rings. Our findings stimulate fundamental questions on the nature of transport and localization of wave excitations in deterministic media with multi-scale fluctuations beyond what is possible in traditional fractal systems. Moreover, our approach establishes structure–property relationships that can readily be transferred to planar semiconductor electronics and to artificial atomic lattices, enabling the exploration of novel quantum phases and many-body effects.

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  4. Abstract In this work, reconfigurable metafilm absorbers based on indium silicon oxide (ISO) were investigated. The metafilm absorbers consist of nanoscale metallic resonator arrays on metal-insulator-metal (MIM) multilayer structures. The ISO was used as an active tunable layer embedded in the MIM cavities. The tunable metafilm absorbers with ISO were then fabricated and characterized. A maximum change in the reflectance of 57% and up to 620 nm shift in the resonance wavelength were measured. 
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