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Creators/Authors contains: "Zhang, Weinan"

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  1. Abstract

    We initiate a general approach to the relative braid group symmetries on (universal) quantum groups, arising from quantum symmetric pairs of arbitrary finite types, and their modules. Our approach is built on new intertwining properties of quasi ‐matrices which we develop and braid group symmetries on (Drinfeld double) quantum groups. Explicit formulas for these new symmetries on quantum groups are obtained. We establish a number of fundamental properties for these symmetries on quantum groups, strikingly parallel to their well‐known quantum group counterparts. We apply these symmetries to fully establish rank 1 factorizations of quasi ‐matrices, and this factorization property, in turn, helps to show that the new symmetries satisfy relative braid relations. As a consequence, conjectures of Kolb–Pellegrini and Dobson–Kolb are settled affirmatively. Finally, the above approach allows us to construct compatible relative braid group actions on modules over quantum groups for the first time.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2024
  2. This is the first of our papers on quasi-split affine quantum symmetric pairs(U~<#comment/>(g^<#comment/>),U~<#comment/>ı<#comment/>)\big (\widetilde {\mathbf U}(\widehat {\mathfrak g}), \widetilde {{\mathbf U}}^\imath \big ), focusing on the real rank one case, i.e.,g=sl3\mathfrak g = \mathfrak {sl}_3equipped with a diagram involution. We construct explicitly a relative braid group action of typeA2(2)A_2^{(2)}on the affineı<#comment/>\imathquantum groupU~<#comment/>ı<#comment/>\widetilde {{\mathbf U}}^\imath. Real and imaginary root vectors forU~<#comment/>ı<#comment/>\widetilde {{\mathbf U}}^\imathare constructed, and a Drinfeld type presentation ofU~<#comment/>ı<#comment/>\widetilde {{\mathbf U}}^\imathis then established. This provides a new basic ingredient for the Drinfeld type presentation of higher rank quasi-split affineı<#comment/>\imathquantum groups in the sequels.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 25, 2024
  3. Abstract

    Predicting protein localization and understanding its mechanisms are critical in biology and pathology. In this context, we propose a new web application of MULocDeep with improved performance, result interpretation, and visualization. By transferring the original model into species-specific models, MULocDeep achieved competitive prediction performance at the subcellular level against other state-of-the-art methods. It uniquely provides a comprehensive localization prediction at the suborganellar level. Besides prediction, our web service quantifies the contribution of single amino acids to localization for individual proteins; for a group of proteins, common motifs or potential targeting-related regions can be derived. Furthermore, the visualizations of targeting mechanism analyses can be downloaded for publication-ready figures. The MULocDeep web service is available at

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