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Creators/Authors contains: "Zhao, Xiangyun"

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  1. null (Ed.)
  2. Heatmap regression-based models have significantly advanced the progress of facial landmark detection. However, the lack of structural constraints always generates inaccurate heatmaps resulting in poor landmark detection performance. While hierarchical structure modeling methods have been proposed to tackle this issue, they all heavily rely on manually designed tree structures. The designed hierarchical structure is likely to be completely corrupted due to the missing or inaccurate prediction of landmarks. To the best of our knowledge, in the context of deep learning, no work before has investigated how to automatically model proper structures for facial landmarks, by discovering their inherent relations. In this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Structured Landmark Ensemble (HSLE) model for learning robust facial landmark detection, by using it as the structural constraints. Different from existing approaches of manually designing structures, our proposed HSLE model is constructed automatically via discovering the most robust patterns so HSLE has the ability to robustly depict both local and holistic landmark structures simultaneously. Our proposed HSLE can be readily plugged into any existing facial landmark detection baselines for further performance improvement. Extensive experimental results demonstrate our approach significantly outperforms the baseline by a large margin to achieve a state-of-the-art performance. 
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  3. Recognizing the attributes of objects and their parts is central to many computer vision applications. Although great progress has been made to apply object-level recognition, recognizing the attributes of parts remains less applicable since the training data for part attributes recognition is usually scarce especially for internet-scale applications. Furthermore, most existing part attribute recognition methods rely on the part annotations which are more expensive to obtain. In order to solve the data insufficiency problem and get rid of dependence on the part annotation, we introduce a novel Concept Sharing Network (CSN) for part attribute recognition. A great advantage of CSN is its capability of recognizing the part attribute (a combination of part location and appearance pattern) that has insufficient or zero training data, by learning the part location and appearance pattern respectively from the training data that usually mix them in a single label. Extensive experiments on CUB, Celeb A, and a newly proposed human attribute dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of CSN and its advantages over other methods, especially for the attributes with few training samples. Further experiments show that CSN can also perform zero-shot part attribute recognition. 
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  4. Multi-task learning has been widely adopted in many computer vision tasks to improve overall computation efficiency or boost the performance of individual tasks, under the assumption that those tasks are correlated and complementary to each other. However, the relationships between the tasks are complicated in practice, especially when the number of involved tasks scales up. When two tasks are of weak relevance, they may compete or even distract each other during joint training of shared parameters, and as a consequence undermine the learning of all the tasks. This will raise destructive interference which decreases learning efficiency of shared parameters and lead to low quality loss local optimum w.r.t. shared parameters. To address the this problem, we propose a general modulation module, which can be inserted into any convolutional neural network architecture, to encourage the coupling and feature sharing of relevant tasks while disentangling the learning of irrelevant tasks with minor parameters addition. Equipped with this module, gradient directions from different tasks can be enforced to be consistent for those shared parameters, which benefits multi-task joint training. The module is end-to-end learnable without ad-hoc design for specific tasks, and can naturally handle many tasks at the same time. We apply our approach on two retrieval tasks, face retrieval on the CelebA dataset [1] and product retrieval on the UT-Zappos50K dataset [2, 3], and demonstrate its advantage over other multi-task learning methods in both accuracy and storage efficiency. 
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