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Creators/Authors contains: "Zhao, Zhichen"

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  1. Abstract

    Innovation in microscopy has often been critical in advancing both fundamental science and technological progress. Notably, the evolution of ultrafast near-field optical nano-spectroscopy and nano-imaging has unlocked the ability to image at spatial scales from nanometers to ångströms and temporal scales from nanoseconds to femtoseconds. This approach revealed a plethora of fascinating light-matter states and quantum phenomena, including various species of polaritons, quantum phases, and complex many-body effects. This review focuses on the working principles and state-of-the-art development of ultrafast tip-enhanced and near-field microscopy, integrating diverse optical pump-probe methods across the terahertz (THz) to ultraviolet (UV) spectral ranges. It highlights their utility in examining a broad range of materials, including two-dimensional (2D), organic molecular, and hybrid materials. The review concludes with a spatio-spectral-temporal comparison of ultrafast nano-imaging techniques, both within already well-defined domains, and offering an outlook on future developments of ultrafast tip-based microscopy and their potential to address a wider range of materials.

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    We carried out a large set of tests to establish a correlation between the molecular (network) structure (influenced by molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, and melt predeformation) and mechanical responses of several glassy polymers to uniaxial compression at different temperatures and different compression speeds. The experimental results show that to have ductile responses there must be an adequate chain network, afforded by the interchain uncrossability among sufficiently long chains. Specifically, polystyrene (PS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) of sufficiently low molar mass do not have chain network and are found to be very brittle. Binary PS mixtures are brittle at room temperature when the volume fraction of the high‐molecular‐weight component is sufficiently low (e.g., at and below 27.5%). Moreover, sufficiently melt‐stretched PS mixtures show brittle fracture when compressed along the same direction, along which melt stretching was made. All the experimental findings confirm that a robust chain network is also a prerequisite for yielding and ductile cold compression of polymer glasses, as is for extension. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys.2019,57, 758–770

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