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In this work, we develop an open-source surgical simulation environment that includes a realistic model obtained by MRI-scanning a physical phantom, for the purpose of training and evaluating a Learning from Demonstration (LfD) algorithm for autonomous suturing. The LfD algorithm utilizes Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMP) and Locally Weighted Regression (LWR), but focuses on the needle trajectory, rather than the instruments, to obtain better generality with respect to needle grasps. We conduct a user study to collect multiple suturing demonstrations and perform a comprehensive analysis of the ability of the LfD algorithm to generalize from a demonstration at one location in one phantom to different locations in the same phantom and to a different phantom. Our results indicate good generalization, on the order of 91.5%, when learning from more experienced subjects, indicating the need to integrate skill assessment in the future.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available June 3, 2025
Abstract Very-high-energy (0.1–100 TeV) gamma-ray emissions were observed in High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) data from the lobes of the microquasar SS 433, making them the first set of astrophysical jets that were resolved at TeV energies. In this work, we update the analysis of SS 433 using 2565 days of data from the HAWC observatory. Our analysis reports the detection of a point-like source in the east lobe at a significance of 6.6
σ and in the west lobe at a significance of 8.2σ . For each jet lobe, we localize the gamma-ray emission and identify a best-fit position. The locations are close to the X-ray emission sites “e1” and “w1” for the east and west lobes, respectively. We analyze the spectral energy distributions and find that the energy spectra of the lobes are consistent with a simple power lawd N /d E ∝E α with and for the east and west lobes, respectively. The maximum energy of photons from the east and west lobes reaches 56 TeV and 123 TeV, respectively. We compare our observations to various models and conclude that the very-high-energy gamma-ray emission can be produced by a population of electrons that were efficiently accelerated.Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025 -
We describe an inertial rotation sensor with a 30-cm cylindrical proof-mass suspended from a pair of 14 μm thick BeCu flexures. The angle between the proof-mass and support structure is measured with a pair of homodyne interferometers, which achieve a noise level of ∼5prad/Hz. The sensor is entirely made of vacuum compatible materials, and the center of mass can be adjusted remotely.
Context. Supernova remnants (SNRs) are believed to be capable of accelerating cosmic rays (CRs) to PeV energies. SNR G106.3+2.7 is a prime PeVatron candidate. It is formed by a head region, where the pulsar J2229+6114 and its boomerang-shaped pulsar wind nebula are located, and a tail region containing SN ejecta. The lack of observed gamma ray emission from the two regions of this SNR has made it difficult to assess which region would be responsible for the PeV CRs.Aims. We aim to characterize the very-high-energy (VHE, 0.1–100 TeV) gamma ray emission from SNR G106.3+2.7 by determining the morphology and spectral energy distribution of the region. This is accomplished using 2565 days of data and improved reconstruction algorithms from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory. We also explore possible gamma ray production mechanisms for different energy ranges.Methods. Using a multi-source fitting procedure based on a maximum-likelihood estimation method, we evaluate the complex nature of this region. We determine the morphology, spectrum, and energy range for the source found in the region. Molecular cloud information is also used to create a template and evaluate the HAWC gamma ray spectral properties at ultra-high-energies (UHE, > 56 TeV). This will help probe the hadronic nature of the highest-energy emission from the region.Results. We resolve one extended source coincident with all other gamma ray observations of the region. The emission reaches above 100 TeV and its preferred log-parabola shape in the spectrum shows a flux peak in the TeV range. The molecular cloud template fit on the higher energy data reveals that the SNR’s energy budget is fully capable of producing a purely hadronic source for UHE gamma rays.Conclusions. The HAWC observatory resolves one extended source between the head and the tail of SNR G106.3+2.7 in the VHE gamma ray regime. The template fit suggests the highest energy gamma rays could come from a hadronic origin. However, the leptonic scenario, or a combination of the two, cannot be excluded at this time.Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025