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Creators/Authors contains: "Zhou, Shanglin"

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  1. Network pruning is a widely used technique to reduce computation cost and model size for deep neural networks. However, the typical three-stage pipeline (i.e., training, pruning, and retraining (fine-tuning)) significantly increases the overall training time. In this article, we develop a systematic weight-pruning optimization approach based on surrogate Lagrangian relaxation (SLR), which is tailored to overcome difficulties caused by the discrete nature of the weight-pruning problem. We further prove that our method ensures fast convergence of the model compression problem, and the convergence of the SLR is accelerated by using quadratic penalties. Model parameters obtained by SLR during the training phase are much closer to their optimal values as compared to those obtained by other state-of-the-art methods. We evaluate our method on image classification tasks using CIFAR-10 and ImageNet with state-of-the-art multi-layer perceptron based networks such as MLP-Mixer; attention-based networks such as Swin Transformer; and convolutional neural network based models such as VGG-16, ResNet-18, ResNet-50, ResNet-110, and MobileNetV2. We also evaluate object detection and segmentation tasks on COCO, the KITTI benchmark, and the TuSimple lane detection dataset using a variety of models. Experimental results demonstrate that our SLR-based weight-pruning optimization approach achieves a higher compression rate than state-of-the-art methods under the same accuracy requirement and also can achieve higher accuracy under the same compression rate requirement. Under classification tasks, our SLR approach converges to the desired accuracy × faster on both of the datasets. Under object detection and segmentation tasks, SLR also converges 2× faster to the desired accuracy. Further, our SLR achieves high model accuracy even at the hardpruning stage without retraining, which reduces the traditional three-stage pruning into a two-stage process. Given a limited budget of retraining epochs, our approach quickly recovers the model’s accuracy.

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  2. Gutkin, Boris S. (Ed.)
    Converging evidence suggests the brain encodes time in dynamic patterns of neural activity, including neural sequences, ramping activity, and complex dynamics. Most temporal tasks, however, require more than just encoding time, and can have distinct computational requirements including the need to exhibit temporal scaling, generalize to novel contexts, or robustness to noise. It is not known how neural circuits can encode time and satisfy distinct computational requirements, nor is it known whether similar patterns of neural activity at the population level can exhibit dramatically different computational or generalization properties. To begin to answer these questions, we trained RNNs on two timing tasks based on behavioral studies. The tasks had different input structures but required producing identically timed output patterns. Using a novel framework we quantified whether RNNs encoded two intervals using either of three different timing strategies: scaling, absolute, or stimulus-specific dynamics. We found that similar neural dynamic patterns at the level of single intervals, could exhibit fundamentally different properties, including, generalization, the connectivity structure of the trained networks, and the contribution of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Critically, depending on the task structure RNNs were better suited for generalization or robustness to noise. Further analysis revealed different connection patterns underlying the different regimes. Our results predict that apparently similar neural dynamic patterns at the population level (e.g., neural sequences) can exhibit fundamentally different computational properties in regards to their ability to generalize to novel stimuli and their robustness to noise—and that these differences are associated with differences in network connectivity and distinct contributions of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We also predict that the task structure used in different experimental studies accounts for some of the experimentally observed variability in how networks encode time. 
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  3. The large model size, high computational operations, and vulnerability against membership inference attack (MIA) have impeded deep learning or deep neural networks (DNNs) popularity, especially on mobile devices. To address the challenge, we envision that the weight pruning technique will help DNNs against MIA while reducing model storage and computational operation. In this work, we propose a pruning algorithm, and we show that the proposed algorithm can find a subnetwork that can prevent privacy leakage from MIA and achieves competitive accuracy with the original DNNs. We also verify our theoretical insights with experiments. Our experimental results illustrate that the attack accuracy using model compression is up to 13.6% and 10% lower than that of the baseline and Min-Max game, accordingly.

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  4. null (Ed.)