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Creators/Authors contains: "Tahmasbi, Ashraf"

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  1. This work addresses a novel variant of the Maximum Range-Sum (MaxRS) query for settings in which spatial point objects occur dynamically and, upon occurrence, their significance (i.e., weight) decays over time. The objective of the original MaxRS query is to find a location to place (the centroid of) a fixed-size spatial rectangle so that the sum of the weights of the point objects in its interior is maximized. The unique aspect of the problem studied in this paper, which we call DDW-MaxRS (Dynamic and Decaying Weights MaxRS), is that the placement of its solution can vary over time due to the joint impact of the arrival of new objects and the change of the corresponding weights of the existing objects over time. To improve the efficiency of the DDW-MaxRS problem processing, we propose a memory-efficient approximate algorithmic solution that will naturally infuse uncertainty in the answer. We formally analyze the error bounds’ properties and provide experimental results to quantify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 
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  2. When learning from streaming data, a change in the data distribution, also known as concept drift, can render a previously-learned model inaccurate and require training a new model. We present an adaptive learning algorithm that extends previous drift-detection-based methods by incorporating drift detection into a broader stable-state/reactive-state process. The advantage of our approach is that we can use aggressive drift detection in the stable state to achieve a high detection rate, but mitigate the false positive rate of standalone drift detection via a reactive state that reacts quickly to true drifts while eliminating most false positives. The algorithm is generic in its base learner and can be applied across a variety of supervised learning problems. Our theoretical analysis shows that the risk of the algorithm is (i) statistically better than standalone drift detection and (ii) competitive to an algorithm with oracle knowledge of when (abrupt) drifts occur. Experiments on synthetic and real datasets with concept drifts confirm our theoretical analysis. 
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  3. When learning from streaming data, a change in the data distribution, also known as concept drift, can render a previously-learned model inaccurate and require training a new model. We present an adaptive learning algorithm that extends previous drift-detection-based methods by incorporating drift detection into a broader stable-state/reactive-state process. The advantage of our approach is that we can use aggressive drift detection in the stable state to achieve a high detection rate, but mitigate the false positive rate of standalone drift detection via a reactive state that reacts quickly to true drifts while eliminating most false positives. The algorithm is generic in its base learner and can be applied across a variety of supervised learning problems. Our theoretical analysis shows that the risk of the algorithm is competitive to an algorithm with oracle knowledge of when (abrupt) drifts occur. Experiments on synthetic and real datasets with concept drifts confirm our theoretical analysis. 
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  4. We present an algorithm STRSAGA for efficiently maintaining a machine learning model over data points that arrive over time, quickly updating the model as new training data is observed. We present a competitive analysis comparing the suboptimality of the model maintained by STRSAGA with that of an offline algorithm that is given the entire data beforehand, and analyze the risk-competitiveness of STRSAGA under different arrival patterns. Our theoretical and experimental results show that the risk of STRSAGA is comparable to that of offline algorithms on a variety of input arrival patterns, and its experimental performance is significantly better than prior algorithms suited for streaming data, such as SGD and SSVRG. 
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  5. We present an algorithm STRSAGA for efficiently maintaining a machine learning model over data points that arrive over time, quickly updating the model as new training data is observed. We present a competitive analysis comparing the sub-optimality of the model maintained by STRSAGA with that of an offline algorithm that is given the entire data beforehand, and analyze the risk-competitiveness of STRSAGA under different arrival patterns. Our theoretical and experimental results show that the risk of STRSAGA is comparable to that of offline algorithms on a variety of input arrival patterns, and its experimental performance is significantly better than prior algorithms suited for streaming data, such as SGD and SSVRG. 
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