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Award ID contains: 1653382

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  1. Abstract

    Microseismicity associated with fluid pressurization in the subsurface occurs during fluid injection but can also be triggered after injection shut‐in. Understanding the extent and duration of the post‐injection microseismicity is critical to limit the risk of fluid‐induced seismicity and insure the safe utilization of the subsurface. Using theoretical and numerical techniques, we investigated how aseismic slip on a fault plane evolves and stops after a fluid pressurization event. We found that the locking mechanisms controlling the arrest of aseismic slip highly depend on the initial fault stress criticality and the pressurization duration. The absolute arrest time of fault aseismic slip after injection shut‐in is proportional to the pressurization duration and increases significantly with the initial fault stress criticality. Given that microseismicity can be triggered by aseismic slip, these results provide insights into the mechanics controlling the arrest of microseismicity after fluid pressurization as a milestone toward induced seismicity mitigation strategies.

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  2. Abstract

    We examine a simple mechanism for the spatiotemporal evolution of transient, slow slip. We consider the problem of slip on a fault that lies within an elastic continuum and whose strength is proportional to sliding rate. This rate dependence may correspond to a viscously deforming shear zone or the linearization of a nonlinear, rate‐dependent fault strength. We examine the response of such a fault to external forcing, such as local increases in shear stress or pore fluid pressure. We show that the slip and slip rate are governed by a type of diffusion equation, the solution of which is found using a Green's function approach. We derive the long‐time, self‐similar asymptotic expansion for slip or slip rate, which depend on both timetand a similarity coordinateη = x/t, wherexdenotes fault position. The similarity coordinate shows a departure from classical diffusion and is owed to the nonlocal nature of elastic interaction among points on an interface between elastic half‐spaces. We demonstrate the solution and asymptotic analysis of several example problems. Following sudden impositions of loading, we show that slip rate ultimately decays as 1/twhile spreading proportionally tot, implying both a logarithmic accumulation of displacement and a constant moment rate. We discuss the implication for models of postseismic slip as well as spontaneously emerging slow slip events.

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  3. There is scientific and industrial interest in understanding how geologic faults respond to transient sources of fluid. Natural and artificial sources can elevate pore fluid pressure on the fault frictional interface, which may induce slip. We consider a simple boundary value problem to provide an elementary model of the physical process and to provide a benchmark for numerical solution procedures. We examine the slip of a fault that is an interface of two elastic half-spaces. Injection is modelled as a line source at constant pressure and fluid pressure is assumed to diffuse along the interface. The resulting problem is an integro-differential equation governing fault slip, which has a single dimensionless parameter. The expansion of slip is self-similar and the rupture front propagates at a factor $\lambda$ of the diffusive length scale $\sqrt {\alpha t}$ . We identify two asymptotic regimes corresponding to $\lambda$ being small or large and perform a perturbation expansion in each limit. For large $\lambda$ , in the regime of a so-called critically stressed fault, a boundary layer emerges on the diffusive length scale, which lags far behind the rupture front. We demonstrate higher-order matched asymptotics for the integro-differential equation, and in doing so, we derive a multipole expansion to capture successive orders of influence on the outer problem for fault slip for a driving force that is small relative to the crack dimensions. Asymptotic expansions are compared with accurate numerical solutions to the full problem, which are tabulated to high precision. 
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  4. SUMMARY The frictional properties of large faults are expected to vary in space. However, fault models often assume that properties are homogeneous, or nearly so. We investigate the conditions under which the details of variations may be neglected and properties homogenized. We do so by examining the behaviour of nonlinear solutions for unstably accelerating fault slip under frictional heterogeneity. We consider a rate- and state-dependent fault friction in which the characteristic wavelength for the property variations is a problem parameter. We find that homogenization is permissible only when that wavelength shows scale separation from an elasto-frictional length scale. However, fault models also often include property transitions that occur over distances comparable to the elasto-frictional length. We show that under such comparable variations, the dynamics of earthquake-nucleating instabilities is controlled by the properties’ spatial distribution. 
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  5. Earthquake swarms attributed to subsurface fluid injection are usually assumed to occur on faults destabilized by increased pore-fluid pressures. However, fluid injection could also activate aseismic slip, which might outpace pore-fluid migration and transmit earthquake-triggering stress changes beyond the fluid-pressurized region. We tested this theoretical prediction against data derived from fluid-injection experiments that activated and measured slow, aseismic slip on preexisting, shallow faults. We found that the pore pressure and slip history imply a fault whose strength is the product of a slip-weakening friction coefficient and the local effective normal stress. Using a coupled shear-rupture model, we derived constraints on the hydromechanical parameters of the actively deforming fault. The inferred aseismic rupture front propagates faster and to larger distances than the diffusion of pressurized pore fluid. 
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