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Outlier-robust estimation involves estimating some parameters (e.g., 3D rotations) from data samples in the presence of outliers, and is typically formulated as a non-convex and non-smooth problem. For this problem, the classical method called iteratively reweighted least-squares (IRLS) and its variants have shown impressive performance. This paper makes several contributions towards understanding why these algorithms work so well. First, we incorporate majorization and graduated non-convexity (GNC) into the IRLS framework and prove that the resulting IRLS variant is a convergent method for outlier-robust estimation. Moreover, in the robust regression context with a constant fraction of outliers, we prove this IRLS variant converges to the ground truth at a global linear and local quadratic rate for a random Gaussian feature matrix with high probability. Experiments corroborate our theory and show that the proposed IRLS variant converges within 5-10 iterations for typical problem instances of outlier-robust estimation, while state-of-the-art methods need at least 30 iterations. A basic implementation of our method is provided: https: // » « less
The problem of clustering points on a union of subspaces finds numerous applications in machine learning and computer vision, and it has been extensively studied in the past two decades. When the subspaces are low-dimensional, the problem can be formulated as a convex sparse optimization problem, for which numerous accurate, efficient and robust methods exist. When the subspaces are of high relative dimension (e.g., hyperplanes), the problem is intrinsically non-convex, and existing methods either lack theory, are computationally costly, lack robustness to outliers, or learn hyperplanes one at a time. In this paper, we propose Hyperplane ARangentment Descent (HARD), a method that robustly learns all the hyperplanes simultaneously by solving a novel non-convex non-smooth ℓ1 minimization problem. We provide geometric conditions under which the ground-truth hyperplane arrangement is a coordinate-wise minimizer of our objective. Furthermore, we devise efficient algorithms, and give conditions under which they converge to coordinate-wise minimizes. We provide empirical evidence that HARD surpasses state-of-the-art methods and further show an interesting experiment in clustering deep features on CIFAR-10.more » « less
We advance both the theory and practice of robust ℓp-quasinorm regression for p ∈ (0,1] by using novel variants of iteratively reweighted least-squares (IRLS) to solve the underlying non-smooth problem. In the convex case, p =1, we prove that this IRLS variant converges globally at a linear rate under a mild, deterministic condition on the feature matrix called the stable range space property. In the non-convex case, p ∈ (0,1), we prove that under a similar condition, IRLS converges locally to the global minimizer at a superlinear rate of order 2−p; the rate becomes quadratic as p→0. We showcase the proposed methods in three applications: real phase retrieval, regression without correspondences, and robust face restoration. The results show that (1) IRLS can handle a larger number of outliers than other methods, (2) it is faster than competing methods at the same level of accuracy, (3) it restores a sparsely corrupted face image with satisfactory visual quality.more » « less
We consider the problem of subspace clustering with data that is potentially corrupted by both dense noise and sparse gross errors. In particular, we study a recently proposed low rank subspace clustering approach based on a nonconvex modeling formulation. This formulation includes a nonconvex spectral function in the objective function that makes the optimization task challenging, e.g., it is unknown whether the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) framework proposed to solve the nonconvex model formulation is provably convergent. In this paper, we establish that the spectral function is differentiable and give a formula for computing the derivative. Moreover, we show that the derivative of the spectral function is Lipschitz continuous and provide an explicit value for the Lipschitz constant. These facts are then used to provide a lower bound for how the penalty parameter in the ADMM method should be chosen. As long as the penalty parameter is chosen according to this bound, we show that the ADMM algorithm computes iterates that have a limit point satisfying first-order optimality conditions. We also present a second strategy for solving the nonconvex problem that is based on proximal gradient calculations. The convergence and performance of the algorithms is verified through experiments on real data from face and digit clustering and motion segmentation.more » « less