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Award ID contains: 1708254

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  1. null (Ed.)
  2. The sorption properties of [Zr 6 O 4 (OH) 4 (NH 3 + -BDC) 6 ]Cl 6 · x H 2 O ( MOR-1 ) and H 16 [Zr 6 O 16 (H 2 PATP) 4 ]Cl 8 · x H 2 O ( MOR-2 ) towards ReO 4 − and TcO 4 − were studied in detail. Both MOR-1 and MOR-2 are very effective sorbents for ReO 4 − and TcO 4 − anions, with MOR-2 showing the highest sorption capacity (up to 4.1 ± 0.4 mmol g −1 ) among the known metal organic materials. Importantly, the exceptional sorption capacity of MOR-2 is retained even under conditions simulating acidic nuclear waste. In addition, MOR-1 and MOR-2 exhibit selective luminescence ReO 4 − sensing properties, demonstrated for the first time for MOF materials. 
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