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  1. Although primarily studied through the lens of community ecology, phenomena consistent with priority effects appear to be widespread across many different scenarios spanning a broad range of spatial, temporal, and biological scales. However, communication between these research fields is inconsistent and has resulted in a fragmented co-citation landscape, likely due to the diversity of terms used to refer to priority effects across these fields. We review these related terms, and the biological contexts in which they are used, to facilitate greater cross-disciplinary cohesion in research on priority effects. In breaking down these semantic barriers, we aim to provide a framework to better understand the conditions and mechanisms of priority effects, and their consequences across spatial and temporal scales. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  2. The genus Rosenbergiella is one of the most frequent bacterial inhabitants of flowers and a usual member of the insect microbiota worldwide. To date, there is only one publicly available Rosenbergiella genome, corresponding to the type strain of Rosenbergiella nectarea (8N4 T ), which precludes a detailed analysis of intra-genus phylogenetic relationships. In this study, we obtained draft genomes of the type strains of the other Rosenbergiella species validly published to date ( R. australiborealis , R. collisarenosi and R. epipactidis ) and 23 additional isolates of flower and insect origin. Isolate S61 T , retrieved from the nectar of an Antirrhinum sp. flower collected in southern Spain, displayed low average nucleotide identity (ANI) and in silico DNA–DNA hybridization (isDDH) values when compared with other Rosenbergiella members (≤86.5 and ≤29.8 %, respectively). Similarly, isolate JB07 T , which was obtained from the floral nectar of Metrosideros polymorpha plants in Hawaii (USA) had ≤95.7 % ANI and ≤64.1 % isDDH with other Rosenbergiella isolates. Therefore, our results support the description of two new Rosenbergiella species for which we propose the names Rosenbergiella gaditana sp. nov. (type strain: S61 T =NCCB 100789 T =DSM 111181 T ) and Rosenbergiella metrosideri sp. nov. (JB07 T =NCCB 100888 T =LMG 32616 T ). Additionally, some R. epipactidis and R. nectarea isolates showed isDDH values<79 % with other conspecific isolates, which suggests that these species include subspecies for which we propose the names Rosenbergiella epipactidis subsp. epipactidis subsp. nov. (S256 T =CECT 8502 T =LMG 27956 T ), Rosenbergiella epipactidis subsp. californiensis subsp. nov. (FR72 T =NCCB 100898 T =LMG 32786 T ), Rosenbergiella epipactidis subsp. japonicus subsp. nov. (K24 T =NCCB 100924 T =LMG 32785 T ), Rosenbergiella nectarea subsp. nectarea subsp. nov. (8N4 T = DSM 24150 T = LMG 26121 T ) and Rosenbergiella nectarea subsp. apis subsp. nov. (B1A T =NCCB 100810 T = DSM 111763 T ), respectively. Finally, we present the first phylogenomic analysis of the genus Rosenbergiella and update the formal description of the species R. australiborealis , R. collisarenosi , R. epipactidis and R. nectarea based on new genomic and phenotypic information. 
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  3. Priority effects, where arrival order and initial relative abundance modulate local species interactions, can exert taxonomic, functional, and evolutionary influences on ecological communities by driving them to alternative states. It remains unclear if these wide-ranging consequences of priority effects can be explained systematically by a common underlying factor. Here, we identify such a factor in an empirical system. In a series of field and laboratory studies, we focus on how pH affects nectar-colonizing microbes and their interactions with plants and pollinators. In a field survey, we found that nectar microbial communities in a hummingbird-pollinated shrub, Diplacus (formerly Mimulus ) aurantiacus , exhibited abundance patterns indicative of alternative stable states that emerge through domination by either bacteria or yeasts within individual flowers. In addition, nectar pH varied among D. aurantiacus flowers in a manner that is consistent with the existence of these alternative stable states. In laboratory experiments, Acinetobacter nectaris , the bacterium most commonly found in D. aurantiacus nectar, exerted a strongly negative priority effect against Metschnikowia reukaufii , the most common nectar-specialist yeast, by reducing nectar pH. This priority effect likely explains the mutually exclusive pattern of dominance found in the field survey. Furthermore, experimental evolution simulating hummingbird-assisted dispersal between flowers revealed that M. reukaufii could evolve rapidly to improve resistance against the priority effect if constantly exposed to A. nectaris -induced pH reduction. Finally, in a field experiment, we found that low nectar pH could reduce nectar consumption by hummingbirds, suggesting functional consequences of the pH-driven priority effect for plant reproduction. Taken together, these results show that it is possible to identify an overarching factor that governs the eco-evolutionary dynamics of priority effects across multiple levels of biological organization. 
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  4. Floral nectar is prone to colonization by nectar-adapted yeasts and bacteria via air-, rain-, and animal-mediated dispersal. Upon colonization, microbes can modify nectar chemical constituents that are plant-provisioned or impart their own through secretion of metabolic by-products or antibiotics into the nectar environment. Such modifications can have consequences for pollinator perception of nectar quality, as microbial metabolism can leave a distinct imprint on olfactory and gustatory cues that inform foraging decisions. Furthermore, direct interactions between pollinators and nectar microbes, as well as consumption of modified nectar, have the potential to affect pollinator health both positively and negatively. Here, we discuss and integrate recent findings from research on plant–microbe–pollinator interactions and their consequences for pollinator health. We then explore future avenues of research that could shed light on the myriad ways in which nectar microbes can affect pollinator health, including the taxonomic diversity of vertebrate and invertebrate pollinators that rely on this reward. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Natural processes influencing pollinator health: from chemistry to landscapes’. 
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  5. A common problem practitioners face is to select rare events in a large dataset. Unfortunately, standard techniques ranging from pre-trained models to active learning do not leverage proximity structure present in many datasets and can lead to worse-than-random results. To address this, we propose EZMODE, an algorithm for iterative selection of rare events in large, unlabeled datasets. EZMODE leverages active learning to iteratively train classifiers, but chooses the easiest positive examples to label in contrast to standard uncertainty techniques. EZMODE also leverages proximity structure (e.g., temporal sampling) to find difficult positive examples. We show that EZMODE can outperform baselines by up to 130× on a novel, real-world, 9,000 GB video dataset. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
    A detailed evaluation of eight bacterial isolates from floral nectar and animal visitors to flowers shows evidence that they represent three novel species in the genus Acinetobacter . Phylogenomic analysis shows the closest relatives of these new isolates are Acinetobacter apis , Acinetobacter boissieri and Acinetobacter nectaris , previously described species associated with floral nectar and bees, but high genome-wide sequence divergence defines these isolates as novel species. Pairwise comparisons of the average nucleotide identity of the new isolates compared to known species is extremely low (<83 %), thus confirming that these samples are representative of three novel Acinetobacter species, for which the names Acinetobacter pollinis sp. nov., Acinetobacter baretiae sp. nov. and Acinetobacter rathckeae sp. nov. are proposed. The respective type strains are SCC477 T (=TSD-214 T =LMG 31655 T ), B10A T (=TSD-213 T =LMG 31702 T ) and EC24 T (=TSD-215 T =LMG 31703 T =DSM 111781 T ). 
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  7. null (Ed.)
  8. null (Ed.)
    Floral nectar is commonly colonized by yeasts and bacteria, whose growth largely depends on their capacity to assimilate nutrient resources, withstand high osmotic pressures, and cope with unbalanced carbon-to-nitrogen ratios. Although the basis of the ecological success of these microbes in the harsh environment of nectar is still poorly understood, it is reasonable to assume that they are efficient nitrogen scavengers that can consume a wide range of nitrogen sources in nectar. Furthermore, it can be hypothesized that phylogenetically closely related strains have more similar phenotypic characteristics than distant relatives. We tested these hypotheses by investigating the growth performance on different nitrogen-rich substrates of a collection of 82 acinetobacters isolated from nectar and honeybees, representing members of five species (Acinetobacter nectaris, A. boissieri, A. apis, and the recently described taxa A. bareti and A. pollinis). We also analyzed possible links between growth performance and phylogenetic affiliation of the isolates, while taking into account their geographical origin. Results demonstrated that the studied isolates could utilize a wide variety of nitrogen sources, including common metabolic by-products of yeasts (e.g., ammonium and urea), and that phylogenetic relatedness was associated with the variation in nitrogen assimilation among the studied acinetobacters. Finally, nutrient source and the origin (sample type and country) of isolates also predicted the ability of the acinetobacters to assimilate nitrogen-rich compounds. Overall, these results demonstrate inter-clade variation in the potential of the acinetobacters as nitrogen scavengers and suggest that nutritional dependences might influence interactions between bacteria and yeasts in floral nectar. 
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