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Encinas, Alejandra C.; Moore, Ida; Watkins, Joseph C.; Hammer, Michael F.(
, Epilepsia)
To characterize a cohort of patients withSCN8A‐related epilepsy and to perform analyses to identify correlations involving the acquisition of neurodevelopmental skills.
We analyzed patient data (n = 91) submitted to an online registry tailored to characteristics of children withSCN8Avariants. Participants provided information on the history of their child's seizures, medications, comorbidities, and developmental skills based on the DenverIIitems. Spearman rank tests were utilized to test for correlations among a variety of aspects of seizures, medications, and neurodevelopmental progression.
The 91 participants carried 71 missense variants (41 newly reported) and three truncating variants. Ages at seizure onset ranged from birth to >12 months of age (mean ± SD = 5 months 21 days ± 7 months 14 days). Multiple seizure types with multimodal onset times and developmental delay were observed as general features of this cohort. We found a positive correlation between a developmental score based upon percentage of acquired skills and the age at seizure onset, current seizure freedom, and initial febrile seizures. Analyses of cohort subgroups revealed clear distinctions between patients who had a single reported variant inSCN8Aand those with an additional variant reported in a gene other thanSCN8A, as well as between patients with different patterns of regression before and at seizure onset.
This is the first study of anSCN8A patient cohort of this size and for which correlations between age at seizure onset and neurodevelopment were investigated. Our correlation studies suggest that variants of uncertain significance should be considered in assessing children withSCN8A‐related disorders. This study substantially improves the characterization of this patient population and our understanding of the neurodevelopmental effects associated with seizures forSCN8A patients, and provides a clinical context at initial presentation that may be prognostic for developmental outcome.
Kumar, Praveen; Gupta, Hoshin V.(
, Water Resources Research)
The basis for all knowledge is “information” that we compile about the world, expressed through models that support understanding, prediction, and decision making. This overview paper provides a contextual basis for the four papers that make up the “debate series” compiled under the above title. We briefly introduce Information Theory, discuss how “information” can be considered to be both a “physical” quantity and a “probabilistic” basis for representing incompleteness in knowledge, discuss the core motivation for this debate series, and briefly summarize the major arguments advanced by each of the debate papers. Our purpose is to facilitate an understanding of how these papers are related and how they approach the debate series question from different perspectives, while pointing to future directions for research. Finally, we invite further discourse and debate to advance the understanding and prediction of natural system dynamics using Information Theory, including the assessment of its limitations and complementarity to existing physics and machine learning approaches. Ultimately, our goal is to press for the development of philosophical and methodological advances that will enable the Earth science community to address some of the compelling unsolved problems in our field.
Wheeler, Matthew W.; Piegorsch, Walter W.; Bailer, Albert John(
, Risk Analysis)
Quantitative risk assessments for physical, chemical, biological, occupational, or environmental agents rely on scientific studies to support their conclusions. These studies often include relatively few observations, and, as a result, models used to characterize the risk may include large amounts of uncertainty. The motivation, development, and assessment of new methods for risk assessment is facilitated by the availability of a set of experimental studies that span a range of dose‐response patterns that are observed in practice. We describe construction of such a historical database focusing on quantal data in chemical risk assessment, and we employ this database to develop priors in Bayesian analyses. The database is assembled from a variety of existing toxicological data sources and contains 733 separate quantal dose‐response data sets. As an illustration of the database's use, prior distributions for individual model parameters in Bayesian dose‐response analysis are constructed. Results indicate that including prior information based on curated historical data in quantitative risk assessments may help stabilize eventual point estimates, producing dose‐response functions that are more stable and precisely estimated. These in turn produce potency estimates that share the same benefit. We are confident that quantitative risk analysts will find many other applications and issues to explore using this database.
Gupta, Hoshin V.; Ehsani, Mohammad Reza; Roy, Tirthankar; Sans-Fuentes, Maria A.; Ehret, Uwe; Behrangi, Ali(
, Entropy)
We develop a simple Quantile Spacing (QS) method for accurate probabilistic estimation of one-dimensional entropy from equiprobable random samples, and compare it with the popular Bin-Counting (BC) and Kernel Density (KD) methods. In contrast to BC, which uses equal-width bins with varying probability mass, the QS method uses estimates of the quantiles that divide the support of the data generating probability density function (pdf) into equal-probability-mass intervals. And, whereas BC and KD each require optimal tuning of a hyper-parameter whose value varies with sample size and shape of the pdf, QS only requires specification of the number of quantiles to be used. Results indicate, for the class of distributions tested, that the optimal number of quantiles is a fixed fraction of the sample size (empirically determined to be ~0.25–0.35), and that this value is relatively insensitive to distributional form or sample size. This provides a clear advantage over BC and KD since hyper-parameter tuning is not required. Further, unlike KD, there is no need to select an appropriate kernel-type, and so QS is applicable to pdfs of arbitrary shape, including those with discontinuous slope and/or magnitude. Bootstrapping is used to approximate the sampling variability distribution of the resulting entropy estimate, and is shown to accurately reflect the true uncertainty. For the four distributional forms studied (Gaussian, Log-Normal, Exponential and Bimodal Gaussian Mixture), expected estimation bias is less than 1% and uncertainty is low even for samples of as few as 100 data points; in contrast, for KD the small sample bias can be as large as −10% and for BC as large as −50%. We speculate that estimating quantile locations, rather than bin-probabilities, results in more efficient use of the information in the data to approximate the underlying shape of an unknown data generating pdf.
Moghaddam, Mohammad A.; Ferre, Paul A.; Ehsani, Mohammad Reza; Klakovich, Jeffrey; Gupta, Hoshin Vijay(
, Water)
We confirm that energy dissipation weighting provides the most accurate approach to determining the effective hydraulic conductivity (Keff) of a binary K grid. A deep learning algorithm (UNET) can infer Keff with extremely high accuracy (R2 > 0.99). The UNET architecture could be trained to infer the energy dissipation weighting pattern from an image of the K distribution, although it was less accurate for cases with highly localized structures that controlled flow. Furthermore, the UNET architecture learned to infer the energy dissipation weighting even if it was not trained directly on this information. However, the weights were represented within the UNET in a way that was not immediately interpretable by a human user. This reiterates the idea that even if ML/DL algorithms are trained to make some hydrologic predictions accurately, they must be designed and trained to provide each user-required output if their results are to be used to improve our understanding of hydrologic systems.
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