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Characterizing protein–surface and protein–nanoparticle conjugates: Activity, binding, and structureMany sensors and catalysts composed of proteins immobilized on inorganic materials have been reported over the past few decades. Despite some examples of functional protein–surface and protein–nanoparticle conjugates, thorough characterization of the biological–abiological interface at the heart of these materials and devices is often overlooked in lieu of demonstrating acceptable system performance. This has resulted in a focus on generating functioning protein-based devices without a concerted effort to develop reliable tools necessary to measure the fundamental properties of the bio–abio interface, such as surface concentration, biomolecular structure, and activity. In this Perspective, we discuss current methods used to characterize these critical properties of devices that operate by integrating a protein into both flat surfaces and nanoparticle materials. We highlight the advantages and drawbacks of each method as they relate to understanding the function of the protein–surface interface and explore the manner in which an informed understanding of this complex interaction leads directly to the advancement of protein-based materials and technology.more » « less