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  1. It has been observed that residual networks can be viewed as the explicit Euler discretization of an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE). This observation motivated the introduction of so-called Neural ODEs, which allow more general discretization schemes with adaptive time stepping. Here, we propose ANODEV2, which is an extension of this approach that allows evolution of the neural network parameters, in a coupled ODE-based formulation. The Neural ODE method introduced earlier is in fact a special case of this new framework. We present the formulation of ANODEV2, derive optimality conditions, and implement the coupled framework in PyTorch. We present empirical results using several different configurations of ANODEV2, testing them on multiple models on CIFAR-10. We report results showing that this coupled ODE-based framework is indeed trainable, and that it achieves higher accuracy, as compared to the baseline models as well as the recently-proposed Neural ODE approach. 
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  2. Residual neural networks can be viewed as the forward Euler discretization of an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) with a unit time step. This has recently motivated researchers to explore other discretization approaches and train ODE based networks. However, an important challenge of neural ODEs is their prohibitive memory cost during gradient backpropogation. Recently a method proposed in arXiv:1806.07366, claimed that this memory overhead can be reduced from LNt, where Nt is the number of time steps, down to O(L) by solving forward ODE backwards in time, where L is the depth of the network. However, we will show that this approach may lead to several problems: (i) it may be numerically unstable for ReLU/non-ReLU activations and general convolution operators, and (ii) the proposed optimize-then-discretize approach may lead to divergent training due to inconsistent gradients for small time step sizes. We discuss the underlying problems, and to address them we propose ANODE, a neural ODE framework which avoids the numerical instability related problems noted above. ANODE has a memory footprint of O(L) + O(Nt), with the same computational cost as reversing ODE solve. We furthermore, discuss a memory efficient algorithm which can further reduce this footprint with a tradeoff of additional computational cost. We show results on Cifar-10/100 datasets using ResNet and SqueezeNext neural networks.

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