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  1. Introduction

    With the increasing utilization of text-based suicide crisis counseling, new means of identifying at risk clients must be explored. Natural language processing (NLP) holds promise for evaluating the content of crisis counseling; here we use a data-driven approach to evaluate NLP methods in identifying client suicide risk.


    De-identified crisis counseling data from a regional text-based crisis encounter and mobile tipline application were used to evaluate two modeling approaches in classifying client suicide risk levels. A manual evaluation of model errors and system behavior was conducted.


    The neural model outperformed a term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) model in the false-negative rate. While 75% of the neural model’s false negative encounters had some discussion of suicidality, 62.5% saw a resolution of the client’s initial concerns. Similarly, the neural model detected signals of suicidality in 60.6% of false-positive encounters.


    The neural model demonstrated greater sensitivity in the detection of client suicide risk. A manual assessment of errors and model performance reflected these same findings, detecting higher levels of risk in many of the false-positive encounters and lower levels of risk in many of the false negatives. NLP-based models can detect the suicide risk of text-based crisis encounters from the encounter’s content.

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  2. Ensuring the effectiveness of text-based crisis counseling requires observing ongoing conversations and providing feedback, both labor-intensive tasks. Automatic analysis of conversations—at the full chat and utterance levels—may help support counselors and provide better care. While some session-level training data (e.g., rating of patient risk) is often available from counselors, labeling utterances requires expensive post hoc annotation. But the latter can not only provide insights about conversation dynamics, but can also serve to support quality assurance efforts for counselors. In this paper, we examine if inexpensive—and potentially noisy—session-level annotation can help improve label utterances. To this end, we propose a logic-based indirect supervision approach that exploits declaratively stated structural dependencies between both levels of annotation to improve utterance modeling. We show that adding these rules gives an improvement of 3.5% f-score over a strong multi-task baseline for utterance-level predictions. We demonstrate via ablation studies how indirect supervision via logic rules also improves the consistency and robustness of the system. 
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  3. There are many different forms of psychotherapy. Itemized inventories of psychotherapeutic interventions provide a mechanism for evaluating the quality of care received by clients and for conducting research on how psychotherapy helps. However, evaluations such as these are slow, expensive, and are rarely used outside of well-funded research studies. Natural language processing research has progressed to allow automating such tasks. Yet, NLP work in this area has been restricted to evaluating a single approach to treatment, when prior research indicates therapists used a wide variety of interventions with their clients, often in the same session. In this paper, we frame this scenario as a multi-label classification task, and develop a group of models aimed at predicting a wide variety of therapist talk-turn level orientations. Our models achieve F1 macro scores of 0.5, with the class F1 ranging from 0.36 to 0.67. We present analyses which offer insights into the capability of such models to capture psychotherapy approaches, and which may complement human judgment. 
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  4. Automatically analyzing dialogue can help understand and guide behavior in domains such as counseling, where interactions are largely mediated by conversation. In this paper, we study modeling behavioral codes used to asses a psychotherapy treatment style called Motivational Interviewing (MI), which is effective for addressing substance abuse and related problems. Specifically, we address the problem of providing real-time guidance to therapists with a dialogue observer that (1) categorizes therapist and client MI behavioral codes and, (2) forecasts codes for upcoming utterances to help guide the conversation and potentially alert the therapist. For both tasks, we define neural network models that build upon recent successes in dialogue modeling. Our experiments demonstrate that our models can outperform several baselines for both tasks. We also report the results of a careful analysis that reveals the impact of the various network design tradeoffs for modeling therapy dialogue. 
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