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Award ID contains: 1849632

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  1. Simulink is a leading modelling language and data-flow environment for Model-Driven Engineering, prevalent in both industrial and educational contexts. Accordingly, there are many standalone publicly-available tools for analyzing and using Simulink models for various purposes. However, Simulink's model format has evolved to a new proprietary format, rendering many of these tools useless. To combat this, we devise an approach, SLX2MDL, that applies transformation rules based on Simulink syntax to transform the new SLX format models to models conforming to the legacy MDL syntax. The resulting approach enables backwards compatibility with existing tools, including previous versions of Simulink itself. Our 4-phase process includes analysis and extraction, merging and transformation of the common elements, transformation of the specialized Stateflow elements, and output production. We position this problem within the literature by comparing and contrasting similar, but insufficient, related approaches. We evaluate and validate SLX2MDL by applying it to 543 standard and publicly available models from an established and curated corpus. Our evaluation demonstrates 100% validity and correctness on these models based on functional equivalence. Further, we evaluate our approach's performance and find it consistent and scalable as model size and complexity increases. 
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  2. We present our new ideas on taking the first steps towards cultivating synergy between model-driven engineering (MDE), machine learning, and software clones. Specifically, we describe our vision in realizing a cognizant virtual software modeling assistant that uses the latter two to improve software design and MDE. Software engineering has benefited greatly from knowledge-based cognizant source code completion and assistance, but MDE has few and limited analogous capabilities. We outline our research directions by describing our vision for a prototype assistant that provides suggestions to modelers performing model creation or extension in the form of 1) complete models for insertion or guidance, and 2) granular single-step operations. These suggestions are derived by detecting clones of the in-progress model and existing domain, organizational, and exemplar models. We overview our envisioned workflow between modeler and assistant, and, using Simulink as an example, illustrate different manifestations including multiple overlays with percentages and employing variant elements. 
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