Predictable trait variation across environments suggests shared adaptive responses via repeated genetic evolution, phenotypic plasticity or both. Matching of trait–environment associations at phylogenetic and individual scales implies consistency between these processes. Alternatively, mismatch implies that evolutionary divergence has changed the rules of trait–environment covariation. Here we tested whether species adaptation alters elevational variation in blood traits. We measured blood for 1217 Andean hummingbirds of 77 species across a 4600‐m elevational gradient. Unexpectedly, elevational variation in haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) was scale independent, suggesting that physics of gas exchange, rather than species differences, determines responses to changing oxygen pressure. However, mechanisms of [Hb] adjustment did show signals of species adaptation: Species at either low or high elevations adjusted cell size, whereas species at mid‐elevations adjusted cell number. This elevational variation in red blood cell number versus size suggests that genetic adaptation to high altitude has changed how these traits respond to shifts in oxygen availability.
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Linck, Ethan B. (3)
Bautista, Emil (2)
Williamson, Jessie L. (2)
Witt, Christopher C. (2)
Beckman, Elizabeth J. (1)
Benham, Phred M. (1)
Cadena, C. Daniel (1)
DuBay, Shane G. (1)
Dudley, Robert (1)
Flores, L. Mónica (1)
Freeman, Benjamin G. (1)
Gadek, Chauncey R. (1)
Ghalambor, Cameron K. (1)
Johnson, Andrew B. (1)
Jones, Matthew R. (1)
McGuire, Jimmy A. (1)
Núñez-Zapata, Jano (1)
Quiñonez, Alessandra (1)
Schmitt, C. Jonathan (1)
Smiley, Ashley (1)
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& S. Spitzer (0)
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(submitted - in Review for IEEE ICASSP-2024) (0)
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Abstract -
Linck, Ethan B. ; Williamson, Jessie L. ; Bautista, Emil ; Beckman, Elizabeth J. ; Benham, Phred M. ; DuBay, Shane G. ; Flores, L. Mónica ; Gadek, Chauncey R. ; Johnson, Andrew B. ; Jones, Matthew R. ; et al ( , The American Naturalist)
Linck, Ethan B. ; Freeman, Benjamin G. ; Cadena, C. Daniel ; Ghalambor, Cameron K. ( , Biology Letters)Rapid species turnover in tropical mountains has fascinated biologists for centuries. A popular explanation for this heightened beta diversity is that climatic stability at low latitudes promotes the evolution of narrow thermal tolerance ranges, leading to local adaptation, evolutionary divergence and parapatric speciation along elevational gradients. However, an emerging consensus from research spanning phylogenetics, biogeography and behavioural ecology is that this process rarely, if ever, occurs. Instead, closely related species typically occupy a similar elevational niche, while species with divergent elevational niches tend to be more distantly related. These results suggest populations have responded to past environmental change not by adapting and diverging in place, but instead by shifting their distributions to tightly track climate over time. We argue that tropical species are likely to respond similarly to ongoing and future climate warming, an inference supported by evidence from recent range shifts. In the absence of widespread in situ adaptation to new climate regimes by tropical taxa, conservation planning should prioritize protecting large swaths of habitat to facilitate movement.more » « less