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Award ID contains: 1912668

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  1. We present a theoretical study of quantum coherent dynamics of a three-level Λ-system driven by a thermal environment (such as blackbody radiation), which serves as an essential building block of photosynthetic light-harvesting models and quantum heat engines. By solving nonsecular Bloch–Redfield master equations, we obtain analytical results for the ground-state population and coherence dynamics and classify the dynamical regimes of the incoherently driven Λ-system as underdamped and overdamped depending on whether the ratio Δ/[ rf( p)] is greater or less than one, where Δ is the ground-state energy splitting, r is the incoherent pumping rate, and f( p) is a function of the transition dipole alignment parameter p. In the underdamped regime, we observe long-lived coherent dynamics that lasts for τ c ≃ 1/ r, even though the initial state of the Λ-system contains no coherences in the energy basis. In the overdamped regime for p = 1, we observe the emergence of coherent quasi-steady states with the lifetime τ c = 1.34( r/Δ 2 ), which have a low von Neumann entropy compared to conventional thermal states. We propose an experimental scenario for observing noise-induced coherent dynamics in metastable He* atoms driven by x-polarized incoherent light. Our results suggest that thermal excitations can generate experimentally observable long-lived quantum coherent dynamics in the ground-state subspace of atomic and molecular Λ-systems in the absence of coherent driving. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. null (Ed.)