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  1. Abstract

    As organisms evolve, the effects of mutations change as a result of epistatic interactions with other mutations accumulated along the line of descent. This can lead to shifts in adaptability or robustness that ultimately shape subsequent evolution. Here, we review recent advances in measuring, modeling, and predicting epistasis along evolutionary trajectories, both in microbial cells and single proteins. We focus on simple patterns of global epistasis that emerge in this data, in which the effects of mutations can be predicted by a small number of variables. The emergence of these patterns offers promise for efforts to model epistasis and predict evolution.

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  2. Abstract

    Correlation among multiple phenotypes across related individuals may reflect some pattern of shared genetic architecture: individual genetic loci affect multiple phenotypes (an effect known as pleiotropy), creating observable relationships between phenotypes. A natural hypothesis is that pleiotropic effects reflect a relatively small set of common “core” cellular processes: each genetic locus affects one or a few core processes, and these core processes in turn determine the observed phenotypes. Here, we propose a method to infer such structure in genotype–phenotype data. Our approach, sparse structure discovery (SSD) is based on a penalized matrix decomposition designed to identify latent structure that is low-dimensional (many fewer core processes than phenotypes and genetic loci), locus-sparse (each locus affects few core processes), and/or phenotype-sparse (each phenotype is influenced by few core processes). Our use of sparsity as a guide in the matrix decomposition is motivated by the results of a novel empirical test indicating evidence of sparse structure in several recent genotype–phenotype datasets. First, we use synthetic data to show that our SSD approach can accurately recover core processes if each genetic locus affects few core processes or if each phenotype is affected by few core processes. Next, we apply the method to three datasets spanning adaptive mutations in yeast, genotoxin robustness assay in human cell lines, and genetic loci identified from a yeast cross, and evaluate the biological plausibility of the core process identified. More generally, we propose sparsity as a guiding prior for resolving latent structure in empirical genotype–phenotype maps.

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  3. Abstract

    The large-scale and nonaseptic fermentation of sugarcane feedstocks into fuel ethanol in biorefineries represents a unique ecological niche, in which the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the predominant organism. Several factors, such as sugarcane variety, process design, and operating and weather conditions, make each of the ∼400 industrial units currently operating in Brazil a unique ecosystem. Here, we track yeast population dynamics in 2 different biorefineries through 2 production seasons (April to November of 2018 and 2019), using a novel statistical framework on a combination of metagenomic and clonal sequencing data. We find that variation from season to season in 1 biorefinery is small compared to the differences between the 2 units. In 1 biorefinery, all lineages present during the entire production period derive from 1 of the starter strains, while in the other, invading lineages took over the population and displaced the starter strain. However, despite the presence of invading lineages and the nonaseptic nature of the process, all yeast clones we isolated are phylogenetically related to other previously sequenced bioethanol yeast strains, indicating a common origin from this industrial niche. Despite the substantial changes observed in yeast populations through time in each biorefinery, key process indicators remained quite stable through both production seasons, suggesting that the process is robust to the details of these population dynamics.

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  4. Abstract

    The Omicron BA.1 variant emerged in late 2021 and quickly spread across the world. Compared to the earlier SARS-CoV-2 variants, BA.1 has many mutations, some of which are known to enable antibody escape. Many of these antibody-escape mutations individually decrease the spike receptor-binding domain (RBD) affinity for ACE2, but BA.1 still binds ACE2 with high affinity. The fitness and evolution of the BA.1 lineage is therefore driven by the combined effects of numerous mutations. Here, we systematically map the epistatic interactions between the 15 mutations in the RBD of BA.1 relative to the Wuhan Hu-1 strain. Specifically, we measure the ACE2 affinity of all possible combinations of these 15 mutations (215 = 32,768 genotypes), spanning all possible evolutionary intermediates from the ancestral Wuhan Hu-1 strain to BA.1. We find that immune escape mutations in BA.1 individually reduce ACE2 affinity but are compensated by epistatic interactions with other affinity-enhancing mutations, including Q498R and N501Y. Thus, the ability of BA.1 to evade immunity while maintaining ACE2 affinity is contingent on acquiring multiple interacting mutations. Our results implicate compensatory epistasis as a key factor driving substantial evolutionary change for SARS-CoV-2 and are consistent with Omicron BA.1 arising from a chronic infection.

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  5. Abstract

    The reduction of genetic diversity due to genetic hitchhiking is widely used to find past selective sweeps from sequencing data, but very little is known about how spatial structure affects hitchhiking. We use mathematical modeling and simulations to find the unfolded site frequency spectrum left by hitchhiking in the genomic region of a sweep in a population occupying a 1D range. For such populations, sweeps spread as Fisher waves, rather than logistically. We find that this leaves a characteristic 3-part site frequency spectrum at loci very close to the swept locus. Very low frequencies are dominated by recent mutations that occurred after the sweep and are unaffected by hitchhiking. At moderately low frequencies, there is a transition zone primarily composed of alleles that briefly “surfed” on the wave of the sweep before falling out of the wavefront, leaving a spectrum close to that expected in well-mixed populations. However, for moderate-to-high frequencies, there is a distinctive scaling regime of the site frequency spectrum produced by alleles that drifted to fixation in the wavefront and then were carried throughout the population. For loci slightly farther away from the swept locus on the genome, recombination is much more effective at restoring diversity in 1D populations than it is in well-mixed ones. We find that these signatures of space can be strong even in apparently well-mixed populations with negligible spatial genetic differentiation, suggesting that spatial structure may frequently distort the signatures of hitchhiking in natural populations.

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  6. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 9, 2025